Poor Choice.

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After spending the last few days in Maldives in both worry and excitement, they finally bid goodbye to the beautiful country of Islands and boarded their flight to Switzerland. Taylor was very excited as she had always wanted to go there. It was both her and her mother's dream destination, and even though she would have loved to take her mother to Switzerland, she was satisfied going with her friends and the person she loved so very much. Since the duration from Malé to Switzerland was not as long as from California to Maldives, Laura was relatively at ease. 

Laura had sensed that Taylor had begun to worry about Laura's distant behavior regarding C and she had also noticed Sarah looking at her, with concerned in her eyes, more than once which only meant that Taylor had talked to Sarah and Lily both about Laura since Lily too seemed a little worried about Laura. So, Laura texted Ben and asked him to text Laura only after her friends would go off to sleep. Laura had given Ben a specific time at midnight for his updates. 

Laura was sitting beside Lily on the flight while Taylor and Sarah cuddled up next to each other, sleeping on top of each other like puppies. And yes, the sight of them sleeping like puppies was just as adorable. Lily closed in on her friend, lowering her voice so that they wouldn't wake the sleeping heads. "Can you meet me in the bedroom?" Lily's voice was soft. Laura nodded but waited until Lily had gotten up and went to the bedroom of the jet. After a few seconds, Lily saw Laura following her.

"Hey, girl. Is everything okay?" Laura asked, her voice worried.

Lily looked at Laura intently. "Taylor is a little worried about you, and to be honest, so are we." Lily paused to observe any reaction or expression on Laura's face, but her face was blank. "Look, I trust you as much as the other two does, and I believe you what you said about the texts to Taylor." Lily saw Laura frowning. "Now, don't be mad at Taylor for telling us, she was only worried." Laura's face softened. "But if anything is troubling you, you can always tell us, okay?" Lily's voice was very comforting. Laura found herself nodding. 

Before Laura could say anything, the plane began to move violently in air. Lily almost fell on Laura, knocking them over. But Lily held the walls and Laura's hand to steady herself as well as her friend. They went back to their seats and they found Sarah, sitting in her seat, alert. Her face and her robotic position was almost comical, but when they saw the fear clouding over her face, their hearts softened. "It's okay, Sar. It's only bad turbulence." Lily said, leaning down to give a kiss on Sarah's forehead before slowly sitting down beside Laura. 

Once the turbulence minimized, Sarah got the color in her cheeks back. But as soon as it stopped, the turbulence began again. The pilot was driving the jet erratically. Everyone was now scared for their lives. Laura decided to check up on the pilot, Taylor offered to come with her. "Just don't drool over his hotness in front of me." Laura said, joking to which Taylor swatted Laura's arm. 

Laura and Taylor knocked at the door of the cockpit but since no one responded, they decided to open the door and peer inside a little. But when they opened the door, they let out loud gasps as their pilot was fallen forward in his seat against the wheel, shot right in the back of the head. But what intensified the fear in their hearts was the other person who was sitting next to the dead pilot, trying to fly the plane. Before either of them could say anything, the figure turned around, pointing a gun at both of them. 

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