The Choices.

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Everyone sat across from Taylor, looking at her intently. She was discharged from the hospital after taking one last x-ray of her skull and luckily, everything was fine. The doctor said that she may have headaches for a couple of days but the doctor had provided her with the necessary medicines to deal with her headaches and aches of the body. While everyone sat across her, waiting for Taylor to tell them her side of the story of the accident, Laura's mind was replaying the previous day when Taylor confessed that she was in love with Laura, as well.

"Are you okay?" Sarah whispered to Laura.

Laura swiftly glanced at her friend giving her a nod, let out a small smile. Taylor took in deep a breath before she spoke up. "Well, after I stormed out of the house," Taylor paused, as her eyes glanced towards Laura whose expressions were completely stoic. "I drove around aimlessly. I started to drive my way out of the city when suddenly I lost my control over the speed limit and when I tried to hit the brakes so that I don't run into an incoming car, I realized that something was wrong with the brakes because it wasn't acting upon my command."

Laura was listening intently to her friend. Lily's face was drawn in with  anxiety as she listened to the story progress and Sarah was waiting for the next part of the story. "I steered the wheel so that I don't crash into someone and my car hit a tree. However, before I started to black out, I saw a figure that came towards me and I thought I head her voice-"

"Wait, you're saying that the figure was a woman? How did you figure that out?" Lily asked, interjecting. Laura was very silent.

"Yes, it was a woman because that figure wasn't rough or haphazard as a man." Everyone was looking at Taylor with furrowed brows. "After calling for help, the figure placed a cloth or something on my forehead to prevent it from bleeding further and before I blacked out, I heard her say, 'You're going to be fine.' And that's why I knew that the figure was a woman."

Sarah nodded her head after hearing the whole story of Taylor's accident. When Taylor finished her story, Lily sat beside Taylor, running her hand over Taylor's back whereas Laura just walked out of the house, into the lawn. "Is she okay?" Taylor asked, worried.

"She is just worried about everything, we all are." Sarah replied and let out a small smile before making her way towards Laura. Sarah sat across from Laura in the lawn chairs and they simply sat there, letting the fresh air hit their faces. Sarah was worried about Laura. Since yesterday, Laura had been acting distant to everyone. Sarah had thought that Laura would be happy when Taylor was brought back to home from the hospital, but Laura seemed really down.

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