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All of them were brought back from their shock when they heard Sarah curse out loud. Everyone looked at each other as their faces were covered with pure horror and their worry increased when it became difficult for Lily to breathe. Sarah was beside Lily in a flash and she began to make small circles on Lily's back. While Laura and Taylor asked Lily to take small deep breaths. As Lily listened to their friends and as she finally calmed down, they all let out a sigh of relief. Even though Sarah was brave on the outside, holding Lily's hand as she suffered a panic attack resulting in breathlessness, Sarah was dying on the inside. She had had friends who had been pregnant before and she had been very calm with them, but when she saw Lily having a panic attack while she was carrying a child in her womb, Sarah was freaking out but her excellent acting skills helped her to look very calm.

As Lily thanked them all and gave Sarah a grateful smile, they all nodded towards Lily, smiling at the mother-to-be. Laura's eyes again traveled back to the screen and she realized that the continuous loop of the video was making her crazy and by the looks of the company present, she knew that they were being driven insane by the video as well. So, she yanked the cord out of the projector, cutting off the video.

Everyone walked out of the living room as they didn't want to be a part of the same room as that video anymore. As they all sat themselves in the kitchen, everyone holding glasses of wine and Lily with a glass of water, their faces were pale and worrisome. They simply played with their glasses, drawn into their own thoughts.

Lily couldn't believe that they just saw the woman who they had buried dead, who was buried by her. The woman was Cate, their mutual friend. Cate Blanchett was a very good friend and she always was there for the rest of them and when the incident happened, Lily was as heartbroken as the others because everyone loved and adored Cate for her kind behavior.

Laura closed her eyes as her thoughts wandered to her dead friend Cate. Laura and Cate became friends through Sarah and Lily. Laura was friends with the others before Cate as Cate was the last one to officially join their close circle of friends but when she did, everyone felt as if they had known Cate for ages. Laura internally let out a smile as she remembered Cate's fashion style. Even though all the four actresses were appreciated for they way they dressed, Cate always surpassed them as she could pull off any look with much dignity and royalty. Laura shook her head as she thought how she and Cate were called to be the slayers of the red carpet by their friends.

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