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The four of them sat together in a couch, waiting anxiously. Laura tried to glance at her friends and she was only met with indifference and anger. Laura began to type something on her phone and when she finished, she nudged her friends to read the text on Laura's phone which stood between them as she sat sandwiched between the three of them. The three of them begrudgingly accepted Laura's request and began to read the text silently: 

I know that you all are mad at me and I don't blame you. But you all can pounce on me and throw in a few punches at me later, that is if we are allowed to leave the station. But before that, we have to make sure that our stories are the same. We can't slip anything about Cate or C for now because we have no proof. We just have to say that we were on a vacation when the pilot was killed and Ben took us as hostages but he didn't give us any reason as to why he kidnapped us, okay?

Laura glanced up and looked at her friends after they finished reading. They simply nodded their heads and silence again befell upon them. Laura sat back and turning her head to her left, she glanced at Taylor who had her head lowered, as small tear drops fell down her cheeks. Laura's fingers were itching to wipe Taylor's tears away but Laura understood that Taylor along with her friends needed some time and space from Laura. Laura lowered her head and let out a sad long sigh. She never wanted to hurt her friends. Never. 

Sarah held Lily's hand in hers, stroking the back of Lily's hand with her thumb. Sarah was nervous that they were brought into a precinct to talk about two homicides. But more than that, she was confused, a little mad and saddened by Laura and the message C sent about Laura hiding a plan of her own, calling herself Boss? Sarah slightly shook her head to herself, letting out a sigh. They already had so much troubles in their life because of C and now she also had to worry about her best friend betraying them or working with the wrong team? 

Even though Lily felt comforted by Sarah's touch against her skin, her head was a mess. She couldn't believe that Laura was working with Ben! What the hell did that mean anyway? Lily thought to herself. Does that mean that Laura also was working with C? Lily rested her head against the sofa and let out a tired sigh. She was so happy in Maldives. She was with the love of her life and the greatest of friends she could ever ask for and then one of her friends had hidden something so important from them. Lily closed her eyes as Laura's secret pierced through her heart. 

Taylor, who sat beside Laura, was the only person who wasn't being haunted by the only one thought of Laura being the betrayer. The tears that rolled down Taylor's cheeks were due to many reasons, one which included them being framed by C. But Taylor knew and loved Laura the most and she was not going to give into the idea of Laura betraying the love of her life and her friends by working with C and Taylor was more than sure about it. Taylor was haunted by everything: how C managed to kill two people without remorse and then frame their deaths on them at their feet; how Laura was working with Ben who called her his Boss; and how beautiful their vacation was and it would have been had it not been ruined by C. Taylor knew that Laura hid an important thing from her and her friends, but Taylor also knew that Laura must have had a good reason for keeping it hidden, one that didn't include being partners with the devil itself. 

So, while they waited for the detective to come in and start their interrogation, Taylor wiped her tears away as she slipped her hand into Laura's and looking deeply into her green eyes, let out a smile. 


Detective Katherine Bells first called in Laura for interrogation. Laura sat back into the chair and stared at the cup of coffee that the detective brought in for Laura, but Laura knew how things worked so she didn't touch the cup at all, sitting in the chair, stoically. The detective sat across Laura and simply stared at Laura. Detective Bells knew Laura Prepon from two of her most eminent shows and the detective loved Laura's work in both the shows as well but today was different- Laura was no star in that box they called the interrogation room, she was a suspect of murder. 

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