Chapter 32 - A Story (Part 1)

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A/N: Another filler chapter! We're getting to know more about Nicole in the story.


Nicole's POV

Harry left just after Jennifer sent Keith out. Her and I were alone now.

"Any plans for today?" I asked her.

"No. Nothing today. I just finished my next album." she answered.

"Well then, I have a story to tell you! We have an hour till' my girls arrive." I exclaimed excitedly.

I wanted to share about who I really was. Espacially to her, she keeps my brother happy and he is happy than ever before with Jennifer.

"Ok then! Spit it all out. I'm ready to listen."

"Since you're my brother's girl now. You should now more about his family."

"Nicole that's fine…" I cut her off.

"No Jen, I want to. Besides, there's nothing interesting to do yet!" I smiled.

She smiled back and I started talking.

"I bet you're wondering why my last name is not Urban?" she nodded. "Well that's because I wasn't really adopted. Like you know those people who signed contracts and stuff. My whole family, the Kidman family, were in the same neighbourhood as the Urban's. Their land and our land were just beside eachother, but that was before things went bad."

"Keith's family knew how to live a normal life. Although they were rich, they kept themselves mid class, I should say. He said their mom taught them how to get prepared. Prepared in any case. They're family knew how to live the rural life. Well basically, they were literally living the rural life. Everyone in the neighbourhood would say their last name does not fit them." We both gave a small giggle. "On the other hand, I lived in a luxurios life. We both had cars, big houses, maids and things that rich people had, but Keith's family, their maids were like their relatives. They treated them equally. We sometimes would hear our maids saying they'd like to work for them instead. We weren't bad bosses but Keith's maid were more…relaxed."

"But it all changed when our house got robbed." she had a shocked face. "Eventhough my dad was a business man, he did not like working in the city. His main office was the study in our house. He had all his important documents in that study. He said he couldn't trust the city. The building where he's suppose to be at, the car ride to the building, the people who escorts him, he couldn't trust them. He is the person in the family who has trust issue. When the robbery happened, they weren't able to find out who did it. It was very radical. They broke in to the house, tortured my dad to give up his bolt password, hack into his accounts and stole all the documents. They wanted all his money." I took a deep breath and sighed. "The worst thing for me was…I couldn't do anything to help. I was not at home when it happened. And if I was, I don't think I was a use too. I was only five and my sister was just four."

"What time of the day did it happen?" she asked.

"The robbery, I'm not sure. But I was not home from that morning till evening. I was with my mom, sister and Keith's family. Only my dad was not around. My dad had work problems so he stayed. Keith's dad and my mom tried to persuade him but when my dad says no, it's a no. He would always choose work over party."

"We went to a party together for some other business man's daughter's birthday…I think. We came back home around seven in the evening and everything was a mess. My dad, our drivers, the maids and everyone who was at the house were tied up in the study. I got even more scared when my mom just stood still. At one point I thougt she wasn't breathing. We called the police and they did their things."

"You don't mind if I fast forward right?" I asked her with an embarrased smile.

"No of course!" she chuckled.

"So things happened, they wanted to move out. That was the worst thing that happened to our family. But Keith's family was too kind enough to help us. Keith's dad, Bob, insisted for my dad to work with him but he said he wanted to take a break. From work, the place and try to forget the incident. So they made my sister and I stay and my parents went somewhere peaceful. We did not know where it was. Sometimes it would feel like they did not want us anymore." I said looking down.

"We lived in Keith's house, they took care of us like we were really their kids and we learned how to live a normal life. We all four, including Keith's brother, Shane, went to the same school. We would be the really known people, from primary school to high school to college. In highschool and college, we would get accepted in scholarships and Shane would get into a football club or any sports stuff. We did not really spend in school fees."

I paused for a while. The next part would be quite emotional. It was one of the memory I could not forget.


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