Chapter 2 - 20 questions (Harry)

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"So who's starting?" Keith ask after recovering.

"I wanna start to be asked!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay how bout Keith and I take turns." I suggested.

"Yeah sure...kay Jen ask first. And say the number before asking so that we wont loose count." Keith said.

(A/N J-jen, K-Keith, H-Harry)

" 1. How old are you?" J.

"29 turning 30, Keith?" H.

"2. Single or taken?"K. Harry and Jen gave him a weird look. "What I was just wondering if I could hook my sis up with you!?!?" Harry and I sighed in relief.

" scared me for a tad bit there! Single." H. Keith rolling his eyes.

"3. When's your birthday?" J.

"September 11." H.

"4. Fave colour." K.


"5. Leftie or Rightie?" J.

"Right" H.

"6. Where were you born?" K.

"New Orleans. The best!" H.

"7. Hugs or kisses." J.

"It depends. Like from you I would want a kiss!" H. He said wrigling his eyebrows and winking at me.

"Well I would not want to!" J. Harry frowned.

"Kay my turn." K. But he was cut off by an Idol crew member. "Judges sorry to interrupt but we're going in five." she informed us.

"Okay thank you!" Harry replied her. "Continue this later. It's not even half way through!" Keith and I both nodded walking back to the audition room.


First day auditions were finally done with these guys. They are so similar with Randy and Steven but they are also very different.

Each of us had to leave after the auditions but we gave each others phone numbers to continue our 20 questions game.

H: Guys! Start with the questions!

K: Go start baby!

Eventhough it was just a text it sent butterflies in stomach.

J: 8. How was your first day judging?

H: Amazing! Next...

K: 9. Jen, Ryan or me?

H: seriously Keith your freaking me out!

J: correction 'us'

K: OMG u guys chill out... im not gay okay! I've got my eyes on someone! I was just wondering Harry... I meant that like your bestie! *pouting*

When I red that I felt jelousy inside me. Which made me wonder why... and who could that be.

H: Ohhhh okay! Well ummm bestie is u Keith!

J: I'm hurt! *sobing* I thought the 'u' was me!

K: :3 kisses for u Harry!

H: Hahahahahahaha...well Jen dont worry ur something special to me! And Keith stop it...

Something special... wondering again

J: 10. what's that something special?

H: *smirk*

J: uugghhh. Keith, darling ur turn!

H: Oh my goodness u guys stop calling eachother like couple! >:(

K: We r! *wink*... 11. Do u hv any sibling?

He's comment made my heart skip a beat. What the hell is wrong with me... I need Sara right now.

H: First u guys r not!! And second yes I do... i hv a sister

Wow! Harry defending... how cute

J: 12. Why did u decide to judge in Idol?

H: Cuz I heard I was going to be judging with a beautiful lady!! *wink*

His answer gave me one of me biggest smiles which made me want to give him a kiss...... what the hell is wrong with me again.

K: Harry stop flirting on the phone... 13. What is ur fave. instrument?

I chuckeld in Keith's comment.

H: Firstly i dont care what u say! Secondly piano... i luv pounding it HHHAAARRDDD!!!

Now this, made me laugh.

J: weirdo... 14. How would you describe Keith in 3 adjectives

K: I hope it's good adjectives!

H: annoying, good looking, adorable!

J: aaawwwhhh thats so sweet!

K: now ur freakin me out! but none of it is debatable! 15. How would u describe Jen in 3 adjectives?

H: -.- ......... ummm beautiful, lovable, caring

J: thanks Harry! :3 A kiss for you.

H: no probs Jen ...thats not debatable btw. Next!

K: 16. how many ex gf hv u got?

H: next!

This made me laugh again.

K: nope ur against the rules!

H: uuugggh fine... 8


H: how many is urs?

J: this is ur 20q harry not keiths!

K: ^ true dat

H: uggh just go on next!

J: 17. how old were u with ur first gf?

H: y is it about gfs!?! Im going to punch u tomorrow Keith! U started this...... 8 years old -.-

K: hahahahahahahaha hit me with ur best shot tomorrow!! dude u were so young...

H: I dont care next!

J: im still laughing here!

K: XD 18. have u seen anyone that amazed u just now? Baby, Jen u can ask the last two questions! i hv to go bye u two! :3 (the kiss is only for Jen!) Cya tomorrow!

He said it again... I wish I could here his accent and voice. Uuggghhh what am I thinking about!?!?!

H: yeah a few of them but i cant remember their name... and Im stealing the kisses!

J: sorry harry to late! :3 bye keith!!

H: wow srsly?

What did I just say!?!? Change topic...

J: 19. 5 places u really want to go?

H: Rome, Cebu, Mullingar, Sydney, Rio

J: 20. Y do u want go there?

H: Rome when i find my other half. And the others I just heard that they are great places for tourist...

J: they r! ive toured to every place... Sydney is amazing!

H: we could tour together! ツ

J: thatll be great...... hey harry i hv to leave!

H: dats okay! Bye cya tom.

J: kay bye sorry btw!

I put my phone down and dozed off to sleep. I was really exhausted.


A/N: Any idea of ship names? Who do you prefer?

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