Chapter 24 - Hurt

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Ryan's POV

Wow! Keith just threw a bomb randomly. I don't think he was mad because of the alarm only. You could obviously see the jelousy in his eyes.

"Hey guys, Jen has to change. Will just see eachother in the lobby k?" we nodded. As soon as they left Sara and I were talking about what happened in a low voice.

"He's obviously hurt." Sara said with a concern look.

"I know. Do you know why Jen chose Harry?" I asked her.

"She's into Keith. But she's giving Harry a chance she said. After what happened in Nashville, she has lost trust on Keith." she explained.

"Really?" Keith asked. We didn't realize he was just listening. Sara nodded.

"If she stayed longer, she would know what the real story is." Keith said looking down.

"The first song was for Nikki. She's been there for me ever since. But that was as friends," he paused for while. "…with benefits. That's why people, including my sister, thinks we're together." he continued in a low voice bitting his lips.

"Anyways, the second song was supposed to be for Jen. But she left so I did not sing it. That song is in my next album. If I did sing it, the fans would have heard it too." he sat on his bed and faced us. I felt good for being there for him. His a good guy.

"I saw her came in in Tootsie's. So I decided to serenade her after Nikki. But that did not go right. I sang to Nikki first cuz' she was leaving on the next day. She was going for good and we promised to not have any contact with eachother, unless if we accidentally meet. She's one of my big listeners.She understands me as much as my sister. She was the only friend I could really trust. But we never fell in love with eachother." you could see sadness in his eyes.

"And for Jennifer, I'm falling deeply for her. It's really hard to see the person your falling for has a boyfriend. And what's worst is that she's obviously not into him." that was true. Jennifer is not falling for Harry, at all.

"She's always hiding that fact." Sara spoke. "She's still into you Keith. It's obvious."

"But I can't just take her away from Harry. I can't do that. Harry is like my long lost brother."

We were having this long conversation til' we heard a knock on the door. Keith stood up and motioned Sara to open it. He went inside the closet. He said he was changing in there.

"You guys ready? We've been waiting for a quite while." Harry asked peeking.

"Uhh… Keith is still changing. He took a short bath." Harry just nodded.

Keith came out and we all went to the lobby together. We had breakfast and Keith acted like nothing happened. He made such a smart excuse why he threw a bomb to Harry.

Keith has been trying to avoid Jennifer. He's probably trying to take his mind off her. Whenever they are near eachother, there is always an awkward tension.

We had to film our car ride on our way to the studio. Keith sat at the other end. He wanted me to sit beside him but the director told Jennifer to sit beside him, then Harry, then me. I felt really bad for Keith. He had to act like everything was all right. If we had nothing else to talk about, he would just look out the window. He never talk with Jen the whole car ride.


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