Chapter 27 - Official

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Sara's POV

Woke up finding myself alone in our hotel room. I had to find Jennifer. I don't want her to rush with all her make-ups and clothings and those other girl things. I just hope she's already awake.

I went to Ryan. "Hey baby! Have you seen my boss?"

"No, not yet. She probably overslept. It's unusual for her to wake-up late. Go check on Harry."

"Okay. Can you come with me?" I gave him a puppy dog face. He rolled his eyes and gave me a peck on the lips.

"You're such a baby!" he teased me leaving his room.

Harry's hotel room was just opposite Ryan's. Keith's room was a few rooms away from Jennifer and mine. I knocked Harry's door non-stop as I was extremely panicking.

"Sara, don't you know we have 3 hours before we leave? Just try to calm down." Ryan comforted me.

"Three hours is too short for Jennifer to fully prepare."

Finally Harry opened the door. "Hey guys, I'm on the phone right now so please make it quick!"

"Where's Jennifer?"

"Oh her…" he was looking down. "She's not here with me and that's all I can say. Bye!"

"But Har…" he closed the door right infront of my face.

"Let's go check on Keith. Maybe Harry needed to be alone in that phone call." Ryan comforted me again. I just nodded.

We reached in Keith's room. I was about to knock but Ryan stopped me. I gave him a confused look.

"I have his key. He gave it to me for me to wake him up."

Ryan opened the door. The first thing we saw was Keith standing on his bed. He's just so immature sometimes.

"Hey Ke…" Ryan was cut off by Keith who 'shsh' him.

I look down at the bed and wondered what he was doing. My eye widened when I saw Jennifer sleeping peacefully. So she slept here?

"What are you doing?" I asked him whispering.

He had an evil smirk on his face. He moved closer to Jennifer and stood on top of her. I guess he was gonna scare her. Ryan was silently laughing.

Keith counted with his finger. 1, 2, 3! He jumped like a maniac on the bed trying to keep his balance.

"HOLY SH*T!" Jennifer was startled and accidentally kicked Keith on his leg.

He lost his balance and fell on the ground head first. He groaned in pain really loud. Jennifer was still unaware of what happened. Her face was still shocked and she seemed frightened. She looked around and had a confused looked when she saw Ryan and I laughing.

"What just happened?" she asked obliviously and sat up on the bed.

"You tripped me and I fell head down first." Keith explained trying to stand up while massaging his head. His head got really red and he had a cut on his fingers.

"Oh my gosh Keith! I'm so sorry! I got really startled in my dreams, I think." she stood up helping him.

"You…were…not…dreaming…at… all!" Ryan said while laughing after every word. Jennifer gave a confused look to Keith.

Keith scratched his head holding his laugh. "I actually jumped on the bed trying to scare you!"

"Well, I'm not sorry!" she left us in the bedroom and went to the toilet.

"Now that was weird." Keith said taking a seat on his couch. Ryan did the same.

"Why was she here?" I asked Keith. I was really curious.

"I'm not answering that. Let her answer you." I groaned. Why does he have to be so difficult?

"Jen!" I called her name out loud.

"What!?! You don't have to shout my name!" I didn't realise that she was already out.

"Where were you last night?" I asked her.

"Obviously here. Duhh…" she's so grumpy.

"Why? I thought you were at Harry's." she looked at me with one of her eyebrows rising. I was so confused.

"Wanna know why?" I nodded. "Keith can you come here for a sec baby."

Keith groaned lazily. He did not even bother what Jennifer told him to do. Jennifer looked at him and he just smiled at her. Weird guy…

"C'mom Keith!" she was still commanding her. Keith just sat there and nodded a no.

"I don't know what's happening right now." Ryan looked so confused. "Why don't you just say it Jen!"

"It's easier to show than to say! Okay!"

She went to Keith and tried to pull him off the couch. Keith was just laughing at her. She gave Keith a puppy dog face which made him laugh even more.

"Please!" she was still trying to pull him off.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Keith asked her.

"Just stand would ya!" after few more times of trying, she still couldn't do it. So, she just stood there looking at Keith with a pouting face.

"Sara let's just go. He's such a stubborn guy! I'll just show it later by surprise." she turned to me and had an evil smirk on her face. I'm so baffled right now…

"Whatever you say boss. We'll go change you up first." we left the room with two guys laughing their asses off. Nothing was even funny.


"Why can't you just tell me?!?" I've been asking her a thousand times. She was doing her own small make up.

"Nope!" she replied with the 'p' popping. I was so annoyed with this.

Just a few minutes after, there was a knock at the door. Jennifer was still fixing her hair so I had to open it.

"You guys done?" Ryan asked me. That was rude…

"Hi to you too! Do you know what manners is Ryan?" I asked him.

"Sorry! Why don't you tell me, baby girl." he was smirking then pushed the door for him to come in. I blocked the door with my feet putting all my force.

"C'mon let us in! I'll tell you the reason why Jen was with Keith."

"Keith, you told him?!?!" Jennifer shouted from my back. I just hope there won't be complains of us making too much noise.

"Yeah…kinda." Keith shouted back.

"Could you guys just go in! You're making so much noise!" I scolded them. Ryan and Keith were both mumbling something.

"Keith, why did you tell him?" Jennifer had her hand on her waist. I could see she was quite mad.

"I couldn't wait ok!" Keith pouted like a kid. I was so annoyed!

"Could you just tell me! Like now!!!" I ended their argument by standing in the middle.

"They're together." Ryan answered for them.

I had my eyes wide opened. That shocked me. Keith and Jennifer both had their heads turned to Ryan.

"WHAT THE HELL RYAN!?!?" they both said in unison. Ryan gulped.

"Is that true?" I asked them both.

Jennifer did not say anything but she went closer to Keith and took his hand. She had this satisfied smile on her face.

"YYYEEESSS!!!" I exclaimed with my fist up on the air. I was so happy for them.


A/N: It's kinda crappy for me. Sorry!

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