Chapter 14 - Cancelled

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"Sara what do I wear!?!" I asked her anxiously.

"I don't know ok! Is it a fancy restaurant or a formal one?" she asked. "Why can't you change again after auditions?"

"Cuz' I don't want to!" I was seachring through the closet to find the perfect dress. "Ugh! I'll go ask him!"

I went to his door and knocked it. I knocked a few more times but he still did not open. I tried turning the knob hopping it was open which it was.

I went in and found myself admiring the place. It was really neat. He had so many guitars at the side of his computer. His bed was at the edge connected to the wall and a t.v. in front of it. Weird arrangement I thought.

"Scanning through my room ey?!" I heard a voice behind me and it sent chills in my backeventhough I was startled. His accent was so thickly sexy.

"I wanted to ask about later on but you didn't not open the door so I thought maybe I should go in and see if you're awake or not cuz' we have to leave like one and a half hour later so……yeah" I turned to face him and explained.

He just came out of the bathroom with wet hair and only shorts wearing. *It's not the first time I've seen this, no need to blush!* I thought to myself. *But not with that hair.* My mind was playing tricks on me.

He laughed falling to his bed. "I didn't ask for an explanation Jen! What's your question anyways?" he asked patting his bed telling me to sit beside him.

"Well it's really simple. Should I be wearing casual or formal or fancy or classy or anything that is themed in the restaurant! I just can't pick what to wear yet." I told him sounding so frustrated while taking a seat beside him.

He laughed again then turned to me. "Be casual but make sure the producers are fine with it."

"Ok thanks! That's all actually. But why are you not changed yet? We're leaving sooner." I asked him.

"I don't have too!" he replied standing up going to the closet.

I didn't know he also had a tattoo at the back it was an eagle and something written on the other side.

"Besides, peoople would surely tune-in if they see this view!" he said finding some clothes in his closet.

"Careful with the ego there Mr!" I scolded him.

"C'mon on Jennifer! Even you like it. It's so obvious when you blush!" he replied laughing.

I just stayed quiet not arguing about what he said. "I'm gonna go now and let you change."

I stood up about to leave but was being blocked by him. "What the!?! How did you get in front of my face so fast?"

"I just wanted to say, don't miss me too much!" he said smiling from ear to ear.

"I won't, so please let me go cuz' I have to do a lot of girls stuff and ya know…" I shooed him away but he just stood up there.

"Nice shirt by the way… now move!" he was wearing a black v-shaped t-shirt.

"Not after you give me a…" I cut him off putting all my force.

I pushed him aside as hard as I could which made him fall with a 'thump' sound. I hurriedly left the room not wanting him to be able to stop me again.

"You'll get this later Jen!!" he shouted from his room laughing.


We, as in Sara, Ryan and I were waiting again for Keith and Harry. Keith wanted to go there by his own car so the Idol transport did not have to fetch us. And he did not want all of us to be in one big car or van so they both get seperated again. I haven't seen him yet after pushing him down.

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