Not an update, but please read!

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!!!!!Look at the cover!!!!!

You see that! Amazing right! I didn't make that though, I'm not creative enough to do that. It's like a Marvel style cover!


⇨    twitter - @ice_theville   ⇦                                    

⇨  instagram - @namkaengcrb / @keithurbanshouswife  ⇦           ⇨    tumblr -    ⇦

⇨     wattpad - namkaengcrb    ⇦


Go check every account! Like right now! I give all credits to her for making the cover! I don't really have anything else to say about the work! It's amazing! ♥♥♥♥♥ GO CHECK EVERY ACCOUNT AND THEN FOLLOW IT!! <------- had to repeat that! ツ

P.S. This is not a shout out… well I guess it kinda is but this is basically a 'Thank You' to @namkaencrb for making this! 

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