Chapter 9 - Meeting the family

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It was already Monday. I was meeting Harry at the airport

I've went to Nashville a couple times for a concert. But I've never really went around the place. Keith said that he wants us stay at least a night at his place. He said we decide if we want to stay longer or stay at the hotel. I don't know why but I was so excited.

"Hey Jen!" Harry greeted giving me a hug and a peck on the cheeck. I greeted back.

Our flight was an hour away so we went to take some food. I was with Harry and Sara. My manager said to have some bodygaurds but I refused. Time passed and we were already boarding.


The flight was short and it was not tiring at all. Harry, Sara and I just took a taxi cuz' he said Keith told him too. He gave the adress to the driver. I can't believe Keith is giving his adress. The ride was silent.

It took us half an hour to arrive at the place. It was so secured, maybe that's why he doesn't mind. We had to call him to allow us to go in. The gaurds let us in and we were driven with a golf cart all the way to his house. It was peaceful. There were a lot of trees, it was like a garden. The house was kind of similar to my house in Cali.

"This dude is rich!" Harry commented. Sara and I laughed. "But I'm richer…" we continued laughing. Typical Harry, I thought.

I guess it was his maid. She invited us in and said Keith is in his room doing some 'stuff'.

When we went in, you could here kids playing, which made me wonder. There were toys around the place but it did not look messy at all. Did he have kids? I asked myself. You could see pictures hanging on the wall of these kids. There was one picture, it was the two kids, a lady and him. I couldn't see clearly who it was. So, is he married? Why am I even wondering? But the thing is he's not wearing a ring. I was in my own world until I heard her. Jealousy struck me. Maybe I do like him…

"Sunday where are you?" She screamed. We were startled when she did that. She finally came in our view. She was tall. She was wearing a short shorts and I think it was Keith's shirt. She had messy hair and I think she just woke up. If I were going to stay here for a week I don't think I'll survive.

"Oops!" She looked at us covering her mouth. I finally saw her whole face…she looked like Nicole Kidman. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know Keith was having visitors! KEITH WHERE ARE YOU!?!" She called him.

"It's okay. We can wait he's probably doing something. I'm Harry by the way and are you Nicole Kidman?" Harry said taking his hand out.

"Yup." She shook his hand giving a warm smile. "And Oh My Goodness!! Jennifer Lopez! Hi!" She greeted me. She had this thick Australian accent just like Keith. It was so different from the movies she did.

"Hi!" we gave eachother a warm hug. "This is Sara my PA by the way!" I pointed at Sara and she also gave her a hug.

"Oh My Gosh! I'm hugging Nicole Kidman!" She squeled. We all laughed. She told us to take a sit while fixing her hair.

"What do you want now?!?" Keith came storming with a grumpy face.

He was just wearing his pajamas with a really messy hair. My heart skipped a beat. I looked at Sara and her eyes widened. Weird girl… Harry was obviously holding his laugh. Keith saw us and his face turned brightly red which made Harry laughed now.

"I'll be right back!" He left us. Nicole rolled her eyes and looked at Harry. He was still laughing at him.

"I bet he wasn't expecting you guys!" Nicole said.

I looked at Sara and she was fanning herself with her hand. Nicole just laughed at her. Typical Sara…

"Okay I'm back!" He came in the room now wearing a shirt and he changed in to his shorts. But his hair was still messy. "I didn't know you guys were coming this morning! I thought it was later noon." He took a seat beside Nicole.

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