Chapter 1 - Going back to Idol

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Jlo's POV

Judging was really fun with Steven and Randy. I wonder how it would be like with these two new guys. I've heard a lot from them but haven't really talk to them before.

"What do you think I should wear?" I asked my personnal assistant. "It's the first day of audition and I have no idea what to wear?!?"

"Chill Jen, you have a lot of clothes here"

"No!!! It's just that these guys are new to me! I haven't really talked to them at all!"

"Geez Jen, it's not like a date or something…" she replied in a mocking tone.

"I know but ya know they're kinda cute!" I replied trying to hide my blushing.

"OH MY GOODNESS JEN!! YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON THEM!?!?" she excalimed really loud handing me the dress I was going to wear.

"Chill Sara… I saw some pictures of them and they both look really cute. " I replied while changing. "And besides that'll be really weird if I did have a crush on one of them"

"Sooo…which one is cuter?" she asked while fixing my hair. "The guitarist or the pianist?"

"Figure it out by your self! C'mon we have to go or I'll be late!" I exclaimed while wearing my shoe. She groaned and followed me out.


We finally arrived in Boston. As always cameras are always around but as soon as I went in, I only saw Ryan fixing a mic on his tux. There were no signs of my co-judges.

"Hey Ryan! How are you doing?" hugging him.

"Hey Jen! Oh my goodness I can't believe how much I miss you!" he said hugging me back.

"Well I miss you too! Hey, I was wondering where my co-judges are?" I asked

"Oh right! I'll bring you to them. They are actually in the dressing room right now." he replied while guiding me and Sara to the dressing room.

We finally reached the dressing room and I saw two man laughing their asses off about something. One was facing us and the other man had his back facing us.

"Hey guys! Enough with the laughing…" Ryan stopped them. He sounded like a dad saying it. The man not facing us rolled down and continued laughing.

Wow! These guys are weirder than I thought they would be. I thought to myself.

"Okay Mommy!" the guy wearing glasses said in a childish tone. Sara and I chuckled. I bet he hadn't notice we were even there.

"Shut up Harry" Ryan snapped back and we all chuckled. "You guys haven't even noticed that I'm with a lady here!"

"Oops?" the guy with the brown blonde-ish long hair replied while wiping dirt off his clothes. Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Anyways… Jen these are your co-judges for this season of Idol" he was pointing to the two of them.

"Hello there Miss Lopez! I'm Harry Connick Jr. but my name is too long so please call me Harry!" the guy wearing glasses introduced himself, I chuckled then gave me a hug and a small peck on my cheeck.

Dang! His lips are so soft!! Then the long haired guy introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Keith the Coolest amongst the two or should I say three of us!" he said and I chuckled while giving him a warm hug. He smelt so good…

Both of them had blue eyes which I think is so cool but Keith's were just sparkling when I met his eye.

"Jen, Earth to Jen!?!?" Sara snapped me out.

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