accidental hybrid: chapter 9

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it was break and i was already tired out even after only two lessons. i still had 3 lessons to go.

i stood in the assembly hall, near the cafeteria. i hadn't bothered to get any food because one i wasn't that hungry and two the line was huge. i was leaning against one of the walls, out of the way of everyone and trying to hide.

trying to hide from Ashton. he's been following me all day so far, like a little lost puppy that cant find his mum. I've told him it wouldn't be a good idea hanging around with me but he isn't listening. and that he should find some friends of his own kind.

i mean boys or girls that are into the same things as him. even though i dont know what he's even into. but no , he's still following me. well now he's trying to find me.

I've lost him for about 15 minutes now so that's good. and i also hope he's not in my next lesson, i need a break from him. he's been , none stop talking about the angel guy AND the strange white skinned people with red eyes. but he dosnt know that i know there actually vampires. he's got pictures of them all.

the angel and the vampires. he just keeps going on and on about them. i was so close to shouting shut the fuck up in his face. but then the bell went for break.

so he was so lucky. its not like i dont know any of the stuff he has been telling me.

like " all the sightings have been all around this area and no where else, that's why i have moved down here" over and over. ok so i dint know they had only been around here but if they had been in the city or some place , they would have been seen. and would be in the newspapers.

but no, he didn't give me a break so the only way i could get a break was by running away from him. i sighed thankful that i have some peace when i saw Ashton come straight at me through the crowd of people in front of me.

he looked angry faced and even a little sad because i had run away from him. " why did you run off like that !?" he shouted in my face.

he needed the toilet so i legged it while he was in the boys toilets. well he didn't tell me to wait.

i looked up at him because he was taller than me. what could i say? " erm i wanted some food before it all went so i told someone that was hanging around near the toilets to tell you where i had gone but obviously they didn't" i told him. he just looked at me and finally some of the anger in his face subsided.

he moved and leaned against the wall next to me. " well ok , fair enough" Ashton said calmly. i nodded and then we both went silent.

"where did you take them pictures?" i asked Ashton " what pictures?" he asked confused. " the ones that fell out of your bag in science"

" oh them"he said pausing" outside number 23 hall-right road, the bird thing was flying right in front of that house but i dont know why"he finally said

i tried to hold in my gasp. number 23 hall-right road was where i lived.

Accidental hybrid: vampire/angel (BK1) (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now