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They all ended up falling asleep in the living room except for Shinso who left early to get home. I however couldn't sleep. I walked to my room and changed into a oversized sweater. I later in bed starring at the ceiling as I was alone with my thoughts. "I've taken a likening to you." Rang in my head. "Why me?!? I'm a nobody. I've done nothing astonishing there's nothing special about me." I said aloud knowing no one would hear me.

His voice, his face, his innocent personality he had when we were finally alone haunted me. I then began to think about my classmates. I got up and took out a plain black notebook that I haven't used and a pen and opened the first page. What I think of my classmates. Was the first thing I wrote and I flipped the page.i started with Ochako.

Ochako Uraraka

An old friend I knew before I moved. She's pretty cute I'd totally date her. She's optimistic and always smiling. She always try's to keep her friends in a good mood and is a loyal friend. Obviously has a crush on Deku and fails to hide it. Over all I love her (as a friend) and I can't wait to see what the future hold for our friendship.

I began writing what I think about everyone.

A/N: note I'm only putting in people that she has had interactions with.

Denki Kaminari

Denki is a cool dude. Stupid but his humor and energetic personality makes up for it. His hair is pretty freakin cool and he's kinda cute. I'd love to get to know him and see how he is in serious situations.

Eijiro Kirishima

Kiri is an amazing friend with a bright smile. He's the manliest guy I know and I feel like I could open up to him and just talk. He's boyfriend material and I'd love to know what hair dye he uses.

Shoto Torodoki

Shoto is mostly distant and seems like he like a calm collective person but whenever I look into his eyes a can sense a hint of sadness and pain. I want to get to know him better plus he's hot.

Hata Sero

Sero is a calm and fun dude to hang out with. He's relatable plus his quirk comes in handy. He seems like a great friend.

Izuku midoriya

Deku has a great personality and is great at noticing the little things. He's cute. He's inspiring when he needs to be and is great at making friends. He has a nice face.

Mina Ashido

I freaking love Mina. Her personality gives me energy and she's that kind of girl you'd love to party with. Although she seems careless at times I notice that she takes things serious sometimes.

Tsuyu asui

Tsu is a great friend. She's so calm and down to earth. Id love to bake her cookies. She's also really cute and has a nice voice. I'd love to hang out with her more.

Katsuki Bakugo

Bakugo first comes off as a aggressive cold hearted douche that only cares about himself but after hanging out with him I can sense that he has a softer side he doesn't let people see. He hot and smells like caramel almost 24/7.

Kyoka Jiro

Jiro is so freaking cool. She has a great personality and knows how to roast people. She's pretty cute and is a loyal friend.

Tenya Iida

Iida is a really organized person and his hand gestures are adorable. I'd totally love to go on a date with him to see how he is when he's not focusing on something. I wanna see his careless side.

Hitoshi Shinso

Shinso is an amazing person and friend. He gives great hugs and our personality's are very similar which is why we are great friends. Yeah he's pretty hot.

When I was finished I ripped the papers and slipped the into envelopes and slipped them under everyone's doors without saying my name of course. I put in Shinso's address and put his in the mail. I snuck passed everyone sleeping and walked outside to do it. I yawned and finally made my way to bed.


Morning finally rolled around and I got ready for school as usual seeing that it is now Tuesday. 'God so many things happened yesterday.' I thought to myself as I headed to class. Class went on as normal but everyone was talking about the letters. Some people were salty "I didn't get a letter!" And others were curious about who sent it.

I was about to go to lunch with Bakugo and Kiri as always but Ochako held me back. "Hey I need to talk to you." She told me so I had lunch with her. We had lunch outside which I didn't know was an option. "So what do you need to talk about?" I asked actually getting kinda nervous and concerned. "Did you write the letter? I recognized your hand writing." She said as she looked at me curiously.

"Yeah I did. I couldn't get something off my mind last night so I started writing about you guys." I admitted as I took a bite from my food. She starred at me for a moment. "You really like a lot of people." She commented with a sweet smile. "Yeah But I have so many mixed feelings right now." I told her and she gave me a hug. "I'm sure you'll figure it out I'm always here if you need to talk!" She said her voice as sweet as ever.

Hero's don't have time for love  (Deku x reader x Bakugo x Shoto) + othersWhere stories live. Discover now