Jelous boys and a kidnapper

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(Y/N) came back with two ice creams in her hands. She hands me one and then looks at all of us. "Uh did I interrupt something?" She asks. Deku put his arm around me and smiles. "No just getting to know Shinso a bit." He answers in a sweet voice sounding as innocent as ever.

~Time skip to hour later y'all still at the beach~

I came out of the water and sat down. 'So goddamn cold." I thought to myself before seeing a shadow walk towards me. I looked up to see (Y/N) as she sat down next to me. "Wanna bail?" She asks as she looks at everyone still having fun. I nod and we both leave without no one noticing or so we thought. We were about halfway away from the beach before we heard someone yell "Hey dudes wait up!"

We both turned around to see Bakugo slightly running toward us with a pissed off expression still. He caught up. "So where you two headed?" He asks glaring at me. "Oh we were gonna head back to the dorms and hang in my room you're welcomed to join!" She said happily. He smirked and we all headed to their dorms.

We entered her room. It was pretty nice I sat on her bed next to Bakugo and she sat in a chair across from us. "Wanna play a game?" She asked I nodded a simply yes and Bakugo replied with a "sure." "Hmm okay lets play 21 questions. You both can take turns asking me questions first." She says as I looked over at Bakugo. I was about to ask a question when there was a knock on the door.

(Y/N) looked a bit annoyed before she got up and opened it. To my surprise it was Ochako. "Hey did you see where Bakugo went? Kirishima said he left without a word." I heard Ochako say before hearing (y/n) chuckle and move out of the way so Ochako could step in. "Oh! Wait what are you two doing in (Y/N)'s room?!?" She said surprised.

Ochako's P.O.V

I walked into (Y/N)'s room to see Bakugo and Shinso sitting on her bed. 'Oh there he is...WAIT WHY ARE THEY IN HER ROOM?!? WHAT WERE THEY DOING BEFORE I INTERRUPTED!' I thought to myself getting a bit angry. My old friends that I haven't gotten to hang out with has two boys in her room! I know I haven't gotten to reconnect with her much but I feel so overprotective of her.

"Oh! Wait what are you two doing in (Y/N)'s room?!?" I say. "Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Ochako we aren't doing ANYTHING we were just gonna play 21 questions." (Y/N) explains while laughing. '21 questions? Perfect!' "Can I join!" I exclaimed with a bright smile.She nods and I sit on the bed next to Bakugo.

She sits back down on a chair in front of us. "Okay first Ochako then Bakugo then Shinso will ask me a question then we will switch." (Y/N) explains her voice comforting. We all nod. "Hmm So (Y/N) what did you learn from your previous school?" I asked making her light up. "I learned different ways to write, how to sing, draw, and photography." She answers as she looks at me with soft eyes and a warm smile.

"Do you have any sketch's I'd like to see them!" I exclaimed knowing it will peck her interest. She happily got up and took out a black sketch book from her desk and opened up a page and showed us.

Credit to artist

"You're pretty good

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"You're pretty good." I hear Bakugo compliment making me look at him. It's rare for him to compliment people. "Wait is that Simon from the cat cafe?" Shinso asks. "Yea He was so cute that I just had to draw him!" (Y/N) reply's with a sweet smile.

"Okay back to the game." She says as she closed the sketch book and looks at Bakugo. "Why do you hang out with Shinso so much?" He asks making Shinso stare daggers at him while I was wondering the same thing. "He's a cool dude, chill and we share the same love for cats plus he has soft hair and gives great hugs." She answers easily.

Bakugo scoffs before Shinso asks the next question. "Do you like anyone?" He asks a bit coldly as (y/n) starts to think. "Hm I few people but no one has really caught my heart." She answers. Next it was Shinso's turn to be questioned. We asked stupid simple questions and we switched turns. It went on for awhile before we were all kicked out of her room because she needed to get ready to go to the movies with Shinso and Kirishima.



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(Y/N)'s P

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I got ready and headed to the living room to see Shinso and Kirishima sitting on the couch talking to each other. They both looked pissed off as if they were having an argument. They didn't seem to notice me so I eavesdropped.

Kirishima: Hey if she's not your girlfriend that means I have a chance.

Shinso: Like you have a chance!

Kirishima: Yea? And what are you going to do when I ask her out you don't even have the balls to do it!

Shinso looked like he was about to punch him square in the face. I stepped in front of them and she immediately changed attitudes. "You look great!" Shinso complimented me. We then left to the movie theater. We were gonna watch some action movie. "Hey I'll meet you guys at our seats I'm gonna use the restroom real quick." I told them as a scurried away. 'What am I gonna do I love them both as friends but do I like them as something more? Is that what all the boys were talking about on the beach?' I questioned myself before running into somebody. I was about to say sorry when the person quickly pushed a cloth over my nose. I couldn't react fast enough and I fell asleep.

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