That's my life

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*Alyssa's p.o.v*

"Oh, wait!" I cried suddenly

"What's up?" Luke asked

"I need all of your numbers!" I replied

"Okay," Luke, Cal and Mikey chorused

I read my number out loud so the boys could add in their phones.

"Text me when you guys get home so I have your numbers," I said

"Okay," the boys chorused and with another quick hug from all of them, they left. Me and Ashton stood at the door, waving.

*Ashton's p.o.v*

Me and Alyssa stood in the doorway waving. Once the lads were out of sight, I closed the door and was about to walk back into the front room when Alyssa threw her arms around me. She was quite a lot shorter than me, so her head was resting against my chest.

"Hey," I said hugging her back, "what was that for?"

"All of this!" Alyssa exclaimed

"What?" I asked

"You! You letting me move in here and organising the surprise of Mikey, Luke and Cal being here to meet me!" Alyssa replied

"It's okay," I said, "I'll do anything for my family, especially you,"

"Thank you, Ash. I love you," Alyssa replied

At first, I was startled by Alyssa saying she loved me, I had practically forgotten that we were related. Well done, Ash

"Love you too," I replied

Together we walked back into the front room

"You tired?" I asked, as we sat down on the squashy sofas

"Surprisingly, no," Alyssa laughed

"What do you want to do then?" I asked

"Well how about you tell me about your life?" Alyssa suggested, "after all, you heard about mine!"

"Yeah ok, though I'm not quite sure where to start," I confessed, chuckling slightly

"How about family? I need to get to know them after all!" Alyssa replied

"Okay... So mum is called Anne-Marie and she is the nicest, kindest, sweetest woman you will ever meet, though, like most mums, she can be strict. Oh, and she also makes THE nicest chocolate chip pancakes!"

"I love chocolate chip pancakes!" Alyssa cried

"Wait till you try mum's" I laughed

"Lauren is incredibly kind, though she can be really stubborn too. She loves cooking and baking, and she specialises in chocolate fudge cake, she makes it every year for my birthday. I can't wait for you to try it! She loves One Direction, so it is very lucky that I'm her older brother because the band is pretty close to 1D so I managed to get her to meet them!"

"Woah woah woah! Control, alt and backspace it up. You know One freaking Direction?!" Alyssa practically yelled

"Yeah," I laughed, "didn't have you down as a directioner!"

"Big time!" Alyssa replied

"Who do you like best?" I said doing that really middle school thing when you nudge and wink at someone really obviously when the person they like walks past

"Niall," Alyssa confessed

"Hmmm..." I said thoughtfully, pretending to stroke and imaginary beard

"His solo in Little Things... Ugh, he's just gorgeous!" Alyssa groaned

"Woah, don't want to go down that road!" I laughed

"Sorry," Alyssa replied, "what about Harry? What's he like?" Alyssa asked, now referring to our younger brother

"Harry is the cutest kid I've ever met, and because Dad walked out, and Mum never remarried, I've been like a father to him. Everytime the band goes away on tour, he'll cling on to me like a baby monkey and cry. It breaks my heart every single time but I have to go away."

"Bless him," Alyssa said, looking sympathetic

"Maybe he'll be okay, now that you're here," I replied

"Hopefully," Alyssa said, smiling at me

"Harry enjoys playing with dinosaurs and he loves to listen to music. Because I'm a father figure to him, I suppose I have quite a but of influence on his music choices, so he likes bands such as Green Day, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, stuff like that," I told Alyssa

"You have good taste in music!" Alyssa laughed

"As do you, clearly!" I said, also laughing

"What about your band?" She asked

"Well, I joined the band in 2011. To be honest with you, I didn't actually like the band before I joined - it annoyed me how they were always messing about and forgetting the words on their YouTube covers. I like them now though of course, they've become brothers to me. That's why I got this," I said and showed her my tally mark tattoo on my wrist.

"That's so cool!" Alyssa said, "it's your band logo, right?"

"Yeah," I replied, smiling

"Anything else it should know about you?" Alyssa asked

"Don't think so," I replied, "that's my life,"

"It sounds awesome," Alyssa replied, leaning back on the sofa. I checked the time

"It's getting late, we really should go to bed," I told her

"Yeah, you're right," Alyssa said

"C'mon then," and I lead the way upstairs

*Alyssa's p.o.v*

As I followed Ashton upstairs, I was suddenly aware of how tired I was. I entered mine and Ashton's room and found my toothbrush and paste. I used the bathroom, changed and crawled into bed. I checked my phone, and saw I had three texts

1 text from: unknown number

Hey, it's Calum!:)

I saved his number and then opened the next text

1 text from: unknown number

It's Michael here!

I saved Michael's number and opened the last text though I knew who it would be from. It was, however, slightly longer than the other two.

1 text from: unknown number

Hey, it's Luke! It was so great meeting you tonight and I hope we can all meet up again soon? Welcome to Australia!! Sleep well, gorgeous!xxx

I smiled, and saved Luke's number into my phone. I got under the duvet and fell asleep, and dreamt dreams of an Australian boy with perfectly quiffed blonde hair and gorgeous dark blue eyes.

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