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One year later

Claire shut the door on the noise the workmen were making and walked to the front door. Thankfully, this was the last week they would have tradespeople in the house. It had been a long drawn-out, expensive haul but as Alex said this was for their children, a big lighted expensive tree house  that their Steven Alexander and his cousins, Quien and Nate could play like him and Lucas way back on their younger years.

She cocked her head, sure she heard the sound of a car engine. A smile curved her lips and instead of turning into the dining room, she continued straight to the door and pulled it open. The old excitement threaded through her veins as she stepped out onto the porch and looked toward the drive.

His smiled faded. There was no car. Damn. Alex hadn't managed to sneak away from the office early, after all. Just to make sure, she circled the house to check that he hadn't already driven around to the newly restore garage.

No sign of Alex. She wrinkled her nose. Well, it had a long shot that he'd able to get away early. Alex had hired a new general manager to share some of the workload, but he was still working punishing hours while his employees were home, relaxing. However she hoped that Alex could scale back on his hours, maybe even work from home some of the time.

She sighed when she remembered Steven didn't like to stay to their house at the penthouse of the La Montero, so they decided to permanently live at their current house.

Hands tucked into the pockets of her jeans, she walked slowly around to the front again and gazed out over the garden. She couldn't imagine that this is her home now.

She took a deep breath, her heart swelling with love, pride and happiness. Once, she'd doubted that she could ever sustain this level of happiness and contentment. She'd been scared of it, hadn't trusted him but Alex had taught her to hold fast and grin and bear it. He'd taught her that anything was possible.

And Alex also told her that he'll stop his driving career so he can spend more time with them but she didn't allowed him. How cruel she is if she snatch her husband first love.

A distinctive engine noise drifted on the breeze and she turned toward the main gate as the black Mesrati drove into sight. Her heart did a little skip-jump in her chest, as it always did when her man came home. He saw her and braked into halt beside the house rather than drive around to the garage.

"You made it." she said, walking to join him as he got out of the car.

"I did. I had the world's best incentive---an extra two weeks with you. Happy Anniversary my love." Alex kissed him sensually for about two minutes. Then he faced her and lovingly stared at her. "I love you so much, here, I hope you would love it." he showed to her a red diamond necklace.

She smiled and hugged him tight. "Happy Anniversary too sweetheart.

He smoothened her face. "Let's pack our things, and head for our second honeymoon." and he smiled.

She matched his smile and kissed him. "Thank you."
As always, desire stirred as he pulled her into his arms.

She knew this man, and he knew her. She believes in him. She believes in them. She touched his face as they broke their kiss.

"You makes me so happy." she said quietly.

It felt like a small miracle that she could say those words so easily, so truthfully.

His eyes were warm and deep. "I love you."

"I know, I love you too."

More and more every day.

"Let's go, I suddenly miss our bed." he wickedly smiled at her.

"Okay, I believe, I suddenly miss our bed too." she laughed heartily.

"And if you're very good, I'll let you take my clothes off and have your way with me under the shower."

"That's very generous of you," she said, not even trying to hide her grin.

"I'm a generous man. Ask anyone."

She wrapped her arm around his waist and they fell into step with one another.

"I don't need to."

She didn't, either. She knew he was generous, just as she new he was good  and a whole other host of wonderful things.

But most of all, she knew he was hers the same way she was his.

They sneaked first at the nursery where their son sleeping soundly before they hurriedly went inside their bedroom.

"Pay time Mister." she pushed Alex on their bed and slowly removing her clothes.

Alex enjoying his wife seductive moves. He laughed when she unexpectedly showed her dancing skill, she slowly irotically dance in front of him.

"Oh, come on! Oh babe... stop! You're going to kill me." he grabbed her waist and pinned her down on their bed. "Let's make our second child, right here on our bed." he inticingly whispered and slowly removed his clothes.

Claire happily stared at him, loving this man once she hated most. But now, she gave all of her to him.

Her heart, her body and her soul.


That was the ending of Claire and Alex love story. But, don't be sad, I will write some bonus chapters from time to time so you wouldn't miss them.😊 Thanks for the support. I wish you can also support my next book. The book three of A Broken Vow.

And for more updates and new stories you can follow my wattpad account. Thankee guys.

---Hanna Luna

BOOK THREE - A Forgotten Promise:
Logan Jacob Finn a very rich rancher, kind and handsome. A very fair man to all his employees. He's the best friend of Dr. Leendon Pierre and Donovan Ortega.

His life was almost perfect, but on the night before his wedding day he discovered​ that his fiancee cheated on him. Due to that incident he run away from home on that night but he encountered​ a major accident on the road. He returned home with a selective amnesia.

His fiancee Anne Margarett Ford a beautiful sole heiress of the Ford corn industry chose to stayed on his side in spite of what happened between them. She forced herself to live with him even he treated​ her coldly and cruely. She believes, that one day her sweet Logan will forgive her and come back to her life and they will live happily again.

But, life would not turned that way, because Logan swore that he will never forgive Anne Margarett until his last breath.


For more new exciting stories you can follow my wattpad account and be my friend in facebook account, just send me a friend request and message me so I can add you.  Have a nice day guys! Thanks for the support.

---Hanna Luna/athe152


The Broken Vow Series
(Written in English)

Through The Years-Book One
A Vengeful Heiress-Book Two
A Forgotten Promise-Book Three
The Wanderer's Heart-Book Four(Coming soon)
The Stubborn Heir-Book Five(Coming soon)
You are the One-Book Six(Coming soon)

A Broken Man Series
(Written in Filipino)

You're Still My Man-Book One
Dreaming of You-Book Two
Leaving Yesterday Behind-Book Three(Coming soon)
The Boss Princess-Book Four(Coming soon)
His Downfall-Book Five(Coming Soon)

The Hacienderos Series
(Written in Filipino)

Sweetest Love-Book One
Curse Love--Book Two(Coming soon)
Frigid Heart- Book Three(Coming soon)

The Señoritas Series
(Written in Filipino)

My Naughy Señorita-Book One
My Witty Señorita-Book Two(Coming soon)
My Lovely Señorita-Book Three(Coming soon)
My Stubborn Señorita-Book Four(Coming soon)

A Vengeful HeiressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora