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Alex couldn't get the smile off to his face as he took the freeway back to La Montero Mall. Thanks to the auto drive he can freely drive with his uninjured hand going to the airport.

He was thinking of Claire.

Claire was...

He didn't have the words. Beautiful, sexy, warm, challenging, smart and adorable. Okay, he had a few words, but none of them felt adequate to the task of describing how he felt when he was with her.

She made him feel more. More alive. More aware. More present. She made him want more, too. But he was smart enough to know not to push too much things with her, but he will make sure that she will not regret to the chance she was given to him.

So he resisted the urge to call her just to hear her voice before he went to bed, and he resisted the urge to call her first thing the next morning. His self-discipline failed at the lunchtime, however when his inbox chimed and he saw he had a message from her.

Just checking that you got back okay.

He pushed aside the marketing brochure he was reading and pulled his keyboard toward himself.

I arrived. Anyway I'm at the main office of La Montero in Los Angeles, I'll see you when I came back.

There was a short pause befode she responded.

Alright, I'll see when you come back.

With his scary workload, it took him a week. And they settled as soon as he came back--dinner out then back to his place for what he hoped was the night. He booked the local Mexican place and made a mental note to change the sheets. Then he dove into work with renewed enthusiasm.

Claire was coming. She was going to stay at his place. She was allowing him in.

AFTER A WEEK OF WORK TORTURE, he left the work early for the first time in week the following Monday afternoon. His assistant stared at him as he walked fast, coat over his arm.

"Do you have a dinner meeting?" She started checking his diary, frown on her face.

"I'm going home. I'll see you next week, Antoniette. Just ring me if there's anything came up. Dad will take over when I'm not around." he said then turned toward the private elevator.

Rick was already waiting for him as the Montero private plane touched down the runway then drove toward his house.

Claire's car was parked in front of his house when they arrived. Rick pulled into the garage.

"You can go back to Lucas, Rick. Thank you." then he collected his briefcase and went out of the car.

Claire was waiting for him on the front doorstep when he exited the garage. He frowned when he saw she was only carrying her handbag.

"You're not staying?"

"Not sure."

He wanted to ask what she wasn't sure about, but he decides to concentrate on the positive instead of negative. She was here, and once he had her on the other side of his front door he could get her naked.

He proceeded to do just that and they were nearly an hour late for their dinner booking. Fortunately it was Monday night and the restaurant wasn't overly busy so they weren't forced to go hungry.

Afterward, they went back to his place and had coffee before he made love to her on the sofa with the late-night news playing in the background.

He slipped into a doze afterward and woke to find Claire collecting her clothes from the floor.

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