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"Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.

Claire awoke, her cheeks hot, her body uncomfortable. What a dream. She'd dream, that Alex were in the bad shape. Even she's angry with him but she wouldn't wish him in a bad situation.

She slept after the dinner with Logan at the famous steak house in town. She had so much fun catching up with him, seriously she truly missed his company, but the steak ruined her appetite, there's something on the smell that she doesn't like, instead she digged in the chewy mashed potato.

She climbed out of the bed to go to the bathroom, her gaze drawn to Logan's open bedroom.

On her way back, his door was still open. Claire peeked over the stair railing. The light were on in the kitchen.

She was halfway down the stairs when she heard her mobile phone ringing. Her mind asked who would be in the right mind would called her at nearly midnight. So she just left it kept ringing, not bothered to answered it and continued to descend on the stairs.

The kitchen was empty but a peek out the window revealed a light coming from the barn. At this hour? It could only mean one thing.

Heart thumping, she hurried to her room and pulled a jogging suit over her pajamas, found her shoes. Then she went out the door and running toward the structure.

Sure enough Logan stood with his elbow braced against the gate of the largest stall, the sound of heavy panting and grunts loud in the quiet barn. When he heard her enter he turned.

"Its already midnight, what are you doing here?" he smiled at her.

Claire couldn't help but smile back as she approached. The massive animal was on her side in the straw bed, laboring through contraction.

The sight stopped Claire cold. The animal was massive and frightening but the moment she was helpless and in pain. Who couldn't feel empathy for that. "Is she okay? Shouldn't you call a vet?"

"She's doing fine. The vet on alert but this isn't my first foaling." he chuckled.

"You sound so calm."

He smiled at her, his craggy face softening. "I might not know a lot of people, but I know animals.

When a massive mare let out a groan, Claire's eyes prickled with tears and a sickening twist of her stomach had her wrapping her arms around herself. Nauseousness hits her. Swallowing, she studied the barn, breathing through her mouth.

Logan drew her in front of him and put his arms around her. "Are you okey? You look pale." he worriedly asked.

"I am, Is she will be okey?" she whispered.

He nodded "She will be fine. Relax." He shifted so that he could massage her shoulders and back and she welcomed the relief.

She took only one quick peeks at the scene in the stall. It was bad and nasty, heartbreaking, yet totally fascinating. Bracing herself for another look, she gaped.

"There's hoop."

Logan's deep chuckle filled her ear. "Let's pray there four of them.

Claire closed her eyes several times during the process but couldn't help but laugh when it was all over. "It's amazing. I mean, it was throughly disgusting, but look at him.

"He's a little beauty. That blaze on his forehead matches his socks. He's marked up really nice and distinguisable." His excitement was contagious. He grinned like a proud daddy, going on how beautiful the colt was. His words reminded her of his plans--ranching, family, kids. But sadly the turned out of his relationship with Anne Margarett, his dream will unlikely come true in the near future.

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