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"I will fight for you but I will not compete."

They went inside the building with no one dared to talked. They were just silently focused to each other emotion. Lucas walked toward their parents when he spotted them waiting for them at the receiving area.

While he and Claire, walked hand and hand. He tightly grasped her left hand when she tried to shrugged it off. Then he stubbornly gazed to warn her to never tried to got away from him for surely he wouldn't allowed that.

"Let me go!" Claire looked at him with so much irritation.

"Nope..." he just simply replied. Still holding her hand then he slowly brought it to his lips. "The answer is still no, Babe." he thrown her his famous killer smile.

She halted and tried to shrugged off her hand away from his big hand then she seriously stared at him again.

"Its already an office hour and I don't have any intention to skip my work. So, could you please let me do my job?" she hold her breathed to control her patience.

"Let's join them first, then after that I'll let you go." he pleaded then he snagged her shoulder much closer to him.

"Alex Montero! Move your filthy hand away from me." she furiously whispered.

"Again, the answer is no. Let's go. They're waiting for us." he winked at her as they walked toward his parents.

Lorraine Montero warmly greeted Claire as soon as they approached them.

"Claire Jade, it's nice to see you again." she move closer to Claire and gave her a warmest hugged.

"Nice seeing you too Mrs. Montero." she genuinely smiled to Lorraine Montero.

"It's been a while since the last time we see you. Right Sweetheart?" the middle age woman smiled to her husband.

"Well... if I'm not mistaken, the last time we saw you was on your eighteenth birthday party. Sadly my two son can't make it to that party. It's their lost, right Alex?" Randolf Montero chuckled and turned his head to his younger son.

"Right Dad." he simply replied and chuckled too.

Then Lucas suddenly cut their conversation.

"Everyone, time for lunch. And Claire, join us." Lucas smile humbly at her.

"Sir, can I just go back to work? I already had my lunch a while ago." she meekly apologized to the big boss.

"Alright, just cut the formality Claire. Okey? No more Sir." he chuckled "Let's go!" He turned to his brother.

"I think I also need to go back to work." Alex approached to their mother. "Mom, can I skip my lunch today?" he apologetically stared to his mother.

"Okey baby, just be home on weekend." she lower her voice and lovingly hugged him.

"Mom, I told you to stop calling him a baby." Lucas murmured.

"Okey! Alright Luke." their mother giggled.

Claire giggled too when she saw her boss contorted face. Then she noticed the daredevil intently looking at her.

Then, their father stopped them.

"Alright kids. I think we need to headed for lunch." he then smiled to Claire before he turned toward his younger son. "Bye son. You take care of yourself okey?" he patted Alex's shoulder. Then they totally went out the building.

Not long after they gone, she hurriedly entered the elevator not waiting for her boss to come around, she didn't want to associate with him at this very moment.

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