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"Don't mention a person's past mistakes when they are trying to change. That's like throwing a rocks at them while they're struggling to climb a mountain.

HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND. That was a bottom line. Alex knew Claire was scared and wary, but he hadn't understand that her resistance to a marriage ran so deep, and he didn't understand how anyone could close herself off to the future so comprehensively.

Claire had always struck him as being brave and bold. Her smile, her earthy sexuality--he'd always thought she was the sort of person who took life by the scruff of the neck and shook it.

Yet she didn't want to live with him. She didn't want marriage. And maybe she hadn't even thought about children.

He sat on the sandstone bench to the rooftop garden and put his head in his hands. He felt as though he'd had the rug--the world--pulled from beneath his feet. All his life he'd waited to feel connection to another human being, yet Claire didn't want the connection. Or, more accurately, she never wanted to be part of him, she never wanted anything from him.

The worst thing was he'd known, on some deep, instinctive level,  that she wasn't committed as he was. What did he expect for, she were really scared as hell about the issues he had got into. And Claire,  already informed him that marriage were not her priorities at this moment or even in a near future. And yet he'll still fallen in love with her. Hadn't been able to stop himself.

He heard the continues ringing of his mobile phone. He didn't answer it immediately, unsure that he couldn't keep up the conversation whoever on the other line.

He shook his head and decided to get the call, then he brought his mobile phone to his ear.

"Buddy, we're really need you in the team! The competition will be on the next day, but Houston got an accident a while ago. He can't make it on the World Cup!" Kairo panicked voice made him sat staight.

He took a deep sighed and looked up at the vast darkness of the sky. He need an outlet, if not he might going to get crazy. The pain he hold in his heart were unbearable.

"Okey, I'm in." he said right away before he can change his mind.

"God! Guys, he's in! Thanks Bud! You're the best!" Kairo laughed, then he heard a loud cheering of his team mates at the backgroud.

"I'll be there tomorrow." he ended the call and took a deep breath. He need to be there soon, to get readied himself for the competition.

CLAIRE got more worried when Alex didn't showed up to his office two days in a row now. Since she pushed him away, she didn'd heard anything from him. He hadn't said anything, but she had seen in his eyes as he'd painfully accepted her decision.

He went inside his office, just to feel his presence. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed, accepting the fact the he truly missed him. She missed his voice, she missed his wittiness and she missed his warm body next to her.

She flinched, when the office phone's rung. She excitedly aswered it, holding a hope that Alex were on the other line.

"Claire." a handsome baritone voice echoed to her ear.

"Lucas." she dismayingly replied and painfully closed her eyes. Devastated, that the man she were expecting weren't on the other line.

"Claire, expect me at the office tomorrow, Alex have important business to deal with." he said with his famous sterned voice.

"How about your vacation?" she wanted to know if he will just temporarily took over Alex's position.

Not more than a minute had passed she heard Lucas deep sighed. He seems upset.

"I'll cut my vacation and I'll bring my family here so we can spend together as much as I can." Lucas surely said.

His words surprised her, realization struck her. Alex granted her wishes, totally freeing her.

"Alright, I'll tell Mr. Makitson to pick you at your place, tomorrow." she said, she kept her voice low to hide her emotion.

"Thanks, Claire." then he ended the call.

After a few seconds she put back the phone from it's holder, she closed her eyes, thinking about the hurt she'd seen in his face. He already accepted her decision. He really did. And now, he left her with no words.

She opened her eyes. Then she walked to the pantry and poured herself a glass of water. She swallowed it in one big gulp. The water refresh her throat before it hit her stomach. She stared into the  glass, thinking of what she needed to do.

After a few seconds she put down the glass and dialed Alex's number. Her call went to the voice call after several rings. Obviously, he doesn't want to in contact with her.

She sat on the couch and took a deep breath. Her heart started pounding and a deep cut of pain slashed her heart. Can't hold her emotion anymore, a tears fell faster to her beautiful face.

A sob rose in her throat and she swallowed it, using her fingers to wipe her tears away. Breathing through her mouth, she took deep belly breaths trying to she calmed herself.

   "Okey, if that's what you want. You're free now."

He'd said those words to her only a couple of days ago, so there was no need for her to be lying here crying and grieving over a loss of her sudden confused decision. He clearly understood her and he had given her what he wanted without a fight.

She was silently crying when her mobile buzzed in her suit pocket. Not interested to attend the call, she lazily answered it.

"Babe..." he said, his voice thick with emotion.

She listened to his steady breathing, and her tears fell faster again. More than anything she wished she could give him what he wanted, what he needed. She wished she was braver. She wished she had the courages to throw caution  to wind and leap feetfirst into everything he offered.

"Alex..." she bit her lips, wrapping her arms to her body. "I love you," she said. "I'm sorry, if I push you away." she sobbed. "More than I know how to say. You have given me so much. Been so patient and loving so generous. I don't want to afraid anymore, and I know I don't need to be afraid of you. I trust you, Alex. I don't care about your issues. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get that, to understand. But I'm here now. I'm ready. I want to do this.

For a moment he was very, very silent. Then he laughed.

"Good." he sweetly whispered. "Wait for me babe. I'll come home so soon."

She loved him. God, she loved him.

"Thank you for being so patient with me. Thank you for loving me that much. Thank you for hanging in there even I pushed you away." she said softly.

He took a deep breath. "Thank you for being so brave, and for trusting me. I know what that means for you, Claire, and I will never use that trust against you. Ever." he spoke the words like a vow.

"I know," she said. "I love you."

"I love you, too. A lifetime worth. Maybe two. Which may become a little wearing for you at times, but I figure you will probably learn to live with it.

It felt absolutely right, their tall bodies a perfect match, their hearts---finally---in accord.

"I can handle it."she said confidently.

She know she could. Because she'd been brave, bold and also wise. She understood that the man in her heart was remarkable, astounding treasure. A big-hearted, loving, lovely man.

    And she was never letting him go.

You can like my wattpad account for more updates. Thankeee Guys! Stay with me.😊

Hanna Luna

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