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Many of us has been wanting to loved, to be fairly treated and to be felt secured but honestly, we can also done those things all by ourself. Don't be too much wishful for those kind of things, because nowadays those things was like an impossible to be happened, and sadly, those things just only happened in a fairytale.
---Hanna Luna

Claire was glad to note that for the past months Alex made a point of be always with her. Busy of his work but he never left the city. His injured hand was  miraculousy healed too fast but he said that he was not yet ready to go back to his driving career. His issues slowed down and no negative gossip circulated again.

They were now living together to Alex's house that he was bought for them. They were living like a husband and wife, and that made them consider the wedding would be set this year before Claire give birth to their first child.

"Good Morning." his soft voice blowing in her ears.

She opened her eyes to find him watching her, a small smile on his lips.

"Morning,.." she smiled and smoothened his handsome face.

"So handsome, right?" he chuckled and slowly kissed the tip of her nose.

"You're too humble." she laughed and kissed him seductively.

His smile broadened into a grin. "Okay now, you're getting to a dangerous territory." he whispered and kissed her at  back of her ear.

Claire closed her eyes and bit her lip to stiple a moan as his hands travelled to her already naked body. They slept naked last night after their favorite fast time for the last couple of month of living together.

"Can I have my favorite breakfast?" he seductively asked while teasing the tip of her breast.

She smiled and shook her head. "We done this too much, what about the baby?" she asked, but she knows she wouldn't like to stop him from what he was doing to her body.

"I'll be gentle."  he wickedly smiled at her as he smoothened downward toward the sensitive part of her body, his tauting powerful body pressing hers into the mattress, and she was so close, so close.

Amazingly, his pace slowed, his trust becoming more leisurely. She opened her eyes to find him watching her, a heated knowledge in his eyes. He shifted his attention to her other nipple as his hand slid between their bodies to where she needed him the most. He found her with his thumb and began to tease her with small, gentle circles, the rhythm echoing his lesisurely strokes inside her body. Everything in her wanted to come, wanted to restrain toward coming, but the message was sending her with his body was that there was no rush.

No need to strain. No need to race anyone to the finish line.

Joint by joint, muscle by muscle, she allowed herself to relax. Allowed herself to fall into the long, sensous stroking of his body within hers, allowed herself to revel in the slow, spreading pleasure building between her thighs. She gave herself over utterly, moaning and twisting beneath him as the need took her, running her hands up and down to his beautiful body, languising in his deep, thorough kisses, relishing the way he supped at her breasts, licking and sucking and biting.

And then suddenly, she was arching off the bed, her climax rolling over her in a huge, pulsating wave, Alex deep inside her as she cried out his name and forgot to breath for long, long seconds.

She felt him shudder, felt the hot gust of his breath against her shoulder as he gasped out his own climax. Her fingers gripped his backside as he tensed inside her...and finally relaxed into dead weight, his head dropping onto her shoulder but maintain his weight not dropping on her baby bump.

She closed her eyes, the better to appreciate the utter satisfaction pulsing through her body. He was still inside her, and she could feel his heart pounding. She ran her hand along his body in a slow, relaxed exploration, smoothening over the muscular planes of his back.

And then suddenly, Alex mobile phone rang.

"Your phone." Claire said as the phone keep ringing.

Alex took a deep sighed and snatched the phone on the bedside table. "Hello! Please call again later!"

Before he can end the call Lucas voice echoed at the other side of the line.

"I'm sorry bro, I know you're in the middle of something, but I just need to remind both of you to come early at the wedding venue, my Athena is already there, waiting. Alright?" Lucas laughed and ended the call.

Alex smiled while he shook his head and put back his phone on the bedside table. After a few minutes he stirred and lifted his weight of her chest. She opened her eyes to find him watching her.

"How you doin'?" he asked.

"I'm doin' okay."


"Oh, yeah."

His smiled broadened into grin. She punched him lightly on the arm. "Stop, we're going to be late to our appointment."

"You know, I think I'm willing to risk it."

He kissed her, his lips gentle. When he lifted his head again there was no mistaking the tenderness in his eyes. He withdraw from her and she watched as he left the bed. His backside was solid muscle and she watched the bounce of his butt cheeks with shameless appreciation. When he exited the en siute she was treated to a full frontal and it was all she could do to suppress an admiring sigh,

She'd assumed he was going to get straight back beneath the covers, but insted he stopped by the foot of the bed and cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Seen enough?" he asked cheekily.


She laughed. Couldn't help herself. "Are you accusing me of ogling you?"

"Yes ma'am, I am."

He bent and scooped up his abandoned necktie, looping it around his neck. Then he strutted toward her in peferct imitation of a catwalk model, all haughty looks and cheekbones and pout, gorgeously, undeniably, utterly naked bar the neck tie arranged jauntily around his neck. When he reached the bedside table, he did a sharp turn and strutted in the opposite direction, working it for all he was worth.

He should looked ridiculous, but he didn't. He looked spectacular. Gorgeous. To cute for words. She didn't know whether to laugh, applaud or drag him back into the bed, so she settled for grabbing hold his necktie when he made his second pass by the bed.

"Stop being a tease." she said using the necktie to reel him in.

"You're the one doing the teasing, making promises with your eyes like that." he said as he climbed onto the bed.

Excitement kicked inside her as he drew back the covers and pressed his body over hers again. She could feel him growing hard against her thighs and answering heat surged through her belly.

"It's only teasing if you follow through." she said.

"That's an excellent point."

She slid a hand between their bodies to capture his growing erection. "Actually, I think you'll find this is an excellent point."

"He laughed, the sound loud and uninhibited. "I stand corrected."

He lowered his head and started to kiss and lick and suck her neck, even as one of his hands began a slow sensual glide down her body. She let her head  fall to one side, savoring the slide of skin on skin, the feel of him beneath her hand, the wet of his tongue on her neck.

Had she known, deep inside, that it would be like this with him. Was that why it had been so hard to make herself sensible where he was concerned.

She let go of everything, right at this moment, nothing else mattered to her.  Everything else--the world, the future, the past, his issues, everything as long as he is with her.


You can follow my wattpad account for more exciting new stories. Happy Reading.

---Hanna Luna

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