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Dedicated to: marichylle alavie67 nnuruladawiah dollca11 MsRCLBR

Sometimes you do find love in the end - just not where you wanted it to be. It doesn't look like you wanted it to look; it's not perfect and pure - it's messy and complicated."
-Love Quotes and Sayings

She hurriedly went out to his office, without even turning her back to him. A shame ate her for giving in to the attraction she felt for him. She couldn't imagined that they ended up to that uncompromising situation.

Thippe warmly greeted her the moment she came out from the office.

"Everybody are now settled at the conference room." Thippe informed her. "I'm only waiting for your go signal." he somewhat looked to her face. "You are flush. Are you okey?" he worriedly asked her.

"I'm alright." she replied and throw him a reassuring smile. "How's the situation?" she asked just to change his attention to her.

"They're started to become restless. I think we better need to start the press conference." he suggested while still glaring to her.

They both looked to the door when suddenly it opened drastically. His boss emerged wearing his signature absurd looks.

"Let's go." he looked icily to Thippe and then to her, leaving them dumbfounded.

That looked were obviously accusing them of doing something awful.

She  silently walked beside Thippe and timidly smiled to him. Thippe stared to her from time to time.

"What happen to your daredevil? He seems off since this morning."  he whispered.

"Maybe he have his monthly period." she plainly replied.

"Really Claire?" he laughed discreetly.

They both gasped when suddenly their boss gazed sharply to both of them.

"I suppose this is a working hour not chatting time. Let's finish this conference first so you can both have a quality time later." he arrogantly said then went inside the conference room.

That simple rant made them speechless.

"I told you, he have his monthly period." she giggled.

"I think you are right." Thippe shook his head then laughed with her.

They laughed heartily for about a minute before they decided to went inside the conference room.

Alex Montero confidently walked in front of the bunch of restless celebrity reporters.

The reporters got too excited as soon as he walked inside the conference room. His two assigned security personnel assisted him to the table in front of the reporters.

He didn't wait for Claire to helped him to this interview. He can handle this on his own, his main reason is he wouldn't want to compromise her privacy. So he will fix this problem just by himself. He promised to her best friend that he will take care of her and he valued that promised.

He waved his hand to let them know that he's ready for the interview.

"Good Morning!" he warmly greeted to them after he settled to his seat. "Let's start." then he turned to his left side to look for his secretary. Their eyes meet, then he gave her a silent assurance to just let him do this interview by his own. "First, I would like to have this interview so after this, I am requesting to all of you to stop camping outside this building. I'm a private citizen since I left my driving career. So I wish after this conference you will let me have my peace. Now, let me deal to all your concern. So, fire away." he nodded to them and crossed his arms to his chest.

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