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They were so late to their wedding appointment with Athena. Luke's wife helped them to find for their wedding venue. They wanted a solemn garden wedding with their few close friends and family who could only attend. And Athena found a perfect venue for their wedding so now they'll go there to check for it.

"I can't believe it, we're the one who asked for her help but we let her wait for us. Oh my!" Claire was being restless on the passenger seat.

Alex looked at her then laughed to her restlessness. "Relax babe, Athena will understand."

"But, what explanation we're going to say why we're late? This is your mistake!" she took a deep sighed and looked at the traffic jam in front of them.

"Babe, what can I do? I can't resist your charm." Alex winked at her.

She got blushed when she remembered what they have done early this morning. They really have a big appetite in terms of bed department.

"I hate you! You're a tease. You're still have a big appetite even I already look like this." she rolled her eyes and looked down her rounder bump.

Alex also looked down her round bump and smiled sweetly. "You're still the most beautiful pregnant woman in town." then he smoothened her baby bump.

"With your sweet mouth Montero, I don't know if I can believe with your flowery words." she chuckled.

"You must, because that's the truth." he smiled sweetly at her.

She slowly tapped her face with her hands. "Gosh! Alex Montero!" the she laughed. Every time Alex talked sweetly at her she always have this goosebumps that made her blush.

"You're blushing!" Alex laughed. "Really babe?"  then he pinched her nose. "You're so cute."

She slowly hit his hand on her nose. "I'm not blushing, I'm just worried because we're already very late." she hardly out of words to explain.

He laughed heartily. "If you say so, babe."

After an hour they reached their destination. As they walked the pathway toward the wide huge garden they unexpectedly bumped the person Alex  searched for the past months.

"Katarina..." Alex softly called her. The beauty queen still have her stunning beauty but there's something different on her that they can't tell what is it.

Katarina got panicked when she recognize them, but bravely looked at Alex.

"Alex, I'm sorry." Katarina suddeny said and stared back and forth to Alex and Claire. "I'm so sorry to what I have done to you, I was just desperate to have a father of my baby, the world asking who was the father and I have no name I can tell because the real father warned me that he had nothing to do with me and to my baby." she suddendly pitifully cried. "And about the paternity test, I just go with the flow to the plan of my manager to save my career, and now I don't know where he is after he kicked me. He told me to face Lucas fury all by myself." then she stared to Claire.

Claire also stared at Katarina, she looked down on her flat stomach. "What happened to your baby?"

Katarina slowly shook her head while still crying. "I lost my baby, I lost my baby... I slipped on the wet floor while I got after him, the father of my baby." her shoulders shook from too much painful emotion.

Alex and Claire gasped to what they heard. They saw how the pain Katarina felt at this moment.

"Oh my God..." Claire hugged Katarina to help her settle her emotional outbrust.

After a few minutes Katatina slowly pushed Claire away from her. "Thank you." she timidly smiled at Claire and faced Alex. "If you'll sue me in court Alex, to what I have done to you, I'll understand. I'm so sorry again for all the trouble I caused to both of you."

Alex took a deep sighed and he looked closely to Katarina. "For what happened to you I don't have a heart if I'm going to add up to your another burden, I won't send you in jail. Don't worry, you're forgiven. But please don't ever do that again, please."

Katarina grasped Alex's hand. "Thank you, thank you Alex." and she turned toward Claire. "Please take care of Alex, he maybe a womanizer before but he's a very fair man."

Claire just nodded and smiled to Katarina. They talked for another minute and then she excused herself to them. They quietly looked at her while she drove her car away from the vicinity.

"I pitied her for losing her baby. And I'm glad that you forgiven her especially she have so many things on her plate right now. It's already so heartbreaking to lose a baby." Claire smiled at Alex and hold his hand. "Let's go, I'm afraid Athena while throw us a bomb if we let her wait for us for another minute."

Alex chuckled and turned to hold her shoulders. "Just wait a minute babe." he seriouly stared at her. "Now that Katarina cleared our issues, I hope this will lessen some of your uncertainty toward me. Like what I promised to you, I'll clear my name before the baby's out."

Claire throw him a big smile. "You didn't need to do that, I already accepted all about your past. What matter to me now,  is you're doing your best to be a better man, and I witnessed that, the few months we live together. Most of all you make me happy." then she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Thank you babe, you didn't know how happy I am to what you have said." he whispered and kissed her on the top of her head.

She tapped his back and slowly looked at him. "I learned to accept all your flaws, your shortcoming, all of you.

"I love you so much Claire, promise, I'll do my best to make you happy everyday of your life,"

"I love you too Alex."

They smiled and walked hand in hand to the pathway toward the garden.

"Now let's go, let's finish this so we can go home." Alex laughed and winked at her.

"Pervert!" Claire slightly punched him in his stomach and winked him back.

Laughing and talking, they walked into the garden.


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--Hanna Luna

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