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I have learned that life doesn't get easier but it is truly the best teacher. We get more resilient, the stronger, better, and wiser. Embrace and enjoy the journey. After all, you only pass this way once.
--Jodi Sta.Maria

Logan was about to start down the porch stairs, when someone called his name. He glanced over  his shoulder. A man with an injured right hand appeared in front of him.

"Logan Jacob Finn, Where's Claire!" Alex asked the moment Logan's foot descended the porch stairs.

Logan took another step only he hesitate when Alex didn't budge. Big as he was, his one hundred sixty pounds keep him rooted.

"I have work to do Mr. Montero, she's not here." Logan simply replied.

Alex sighed, that's not what he wanted to hear. He's dying to see Claire just to make sure that she were safe and so was the baby. Furthermore, he terribly missed her, he's going to be insane, if he wouldn't see her today.

"I won't take much of your time." he said while he patiently stared at Logan.

"I told you she's not here." Logan said in a hard tone.

"I don't believe you! Just tell me where she is!" Alex started to pissed off. He took another step forward and seriously stared at Logan.

"You're just a trouble to her, in her situation, it's a relief,  if you leave her alone." Logan said like an advice but as well as an order.

He taken aback with what he said. Logan really pissed him off.

"Don't piss me off, man! Just tell me where she is!" he shouted, this cowboy really tick him off.

"I told you, she's not here! Why you couldn't understand that?" Logan shook his head and crossed his arms. He was trying to be civil for the sake of Claire.

"I know she's here!" Alex gritted his teeth,

"You can't find her here, she left last night!" Logan shouted back, this Montero was trying to measure his patience.

"You're trying to hide her, right?" Alex shook his head, then he stepped further at the porch. "Claire Jade! I know you're here, get out, then let's go home!" he shouted.

"Please leave, before I push you out in my territory." Logan warned.

He hold his breath with so much irritation, then he tightly closed his fist to control his rage. "I wouldn't leave here, until Claire won't go out from her hiding!" he gritted his teeth, then took more steps forward onto the house.

"Hold your breath, Daredevil!" Lucas sterned voice stopped Alex from charging.

Logan turned to his side, his eyes landed at the man who looks powerful and dignified, behind him, his four bulky men in black.

"So, this is the infamous Lucas Montero, Leendon is much more good looking." Logan tsked.

Lucas stood between the two men who were sharply glaring each other.

"Lucas Marcus Montero." he said with an authoritative tone.

Logan extended his right hand to Lucas.

"Logan Jacob Finn." he plainly said.

"Please forgive our manners for barging your territory without a warning." Lucas ruefully said, then he shook hand to Logan.

Logan glanced at the four bulky men briefly before returning his gaze to Lucas.

"It's alright Lucas, we're always hospitable here." he nodded, he then realized that this eldest Montero was not bad at all. He was fair and nice.

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