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Wearing a mask can't hide us away from our deepest secrets.

"Have a lovely night ladies and gentlemen." Claire confidently looked at the crowd and smiled sweetly to them as she finished her speech.

Then, she bravely showed her sweetest smile to the  Montero that were intently staring at her since she emerged from the podium.

An icy feeling covered her whole body as Alex Montero fiercing eyes directed toward her. Gathering a lot of composure she took another glanced to the younger Montero before she left the podium.

"What a lovely speech Lady Boss! Congratulation Ms. Fontier." her secretary immediately approached her and showed their seats.

"No! No! We need to go. Let's get out of here!" Claire walked past her secretary and immediately went outside the venue.

"Pardon me boss, but you have a meeting with the Solivan after the conference, they're waiting for you." Dione, her secretary said.

They walked side by side at the awaiting car in front of the convention center.

"Please inform them that I'm not feeling well then set an appointment with them any day next week." she immediately got inside the car.

"Copy boss." her secretary replied then sat beside her.

"Homer please drive, hurry!" she ordered to her personal chauffer while her eyes still lingered at the hotel lobby. She have this feeling that the Montero will came after her.

And to her surprised, Alex Montero walked directly toward them. She almost lot her breath when she noticed he got closer to them in no time. Gladly, Homer drove fast before Alex Montero could caught her.

"Something wrong boss?" Dione suddenly got alarmed when she saw Claire almost jumped on her seat.

"The Montero, I think they now realized who really I am." she sighed heavily while still glaring at their back.

And all of the sudden her secretary got her attention.

"Boss! I think that's the younger Montero!" Dione called her when the black Mesrati appeared beside their car.

"Oh Shit! Homer, lost him then drive directly to my house! Fast!" she hysterically ordered while she slowly sliding down on her seat and covered her face.

"Lady Boss, I'm just a mere chauffer. I could not bet my driving skill to the fast track daredevil." Homer humbly replied.

And to her surprised their car suddenly stop.

"Homer! Be careful!" she warned.

"Sorry boss!" Homer apologized.

"Oh my God!" Both Claire and Dione hysterically gasped when they heared the swearving sound of tires in front of them.

Then, in the blinked of their eyes a man in black suit harshly knocked their window beside Claire.

Instead to be panic, Claire got mesmerized at the very striking man who was borringly standing outside their car, waiting for her to open the window.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" she asked and bravely stared at him.

She slowly slide the window.

"Getting somewhere Claire? Or should I say Miss JAde Fontier." Alex leaned forward to face to face with her.

"It's Jade, and who is this Claire that you're talking about." she made her voice too sweet to look more finesse and vulnerable, not the Claire the Secretary who is feasty with strict facade.

A Vengeful HeiressWhere stories live. Discover now