The Second Task

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I expect to wake up in the Hospital Wing, but I don't.

Instead, I feel being jerked awake by freezing water with no bottom. It's probably the Second Task or something, but I can't be sure.

I realize that I'm in the Black Lake.

And I can't swim.

I squirm, but I sink. The audience is pointing at me, but that doesn't really help me.

I sink, and think of a spell. It comes to me.

"Ascendio!"I scream, and I shoot upwards to the surface and towards the audience. I grab the nearest rung, and heave myself up, despite the weight of the water.

"Margaret!"Gellert says, the first to rush to my aid. He and his Durmstrang colleagues lift me.

I whisper,"Thanks."

Then I realize how cold I am. Hermione, Cho, and Ron are running towards me, completely dry.

Madame Pomfrey rushes to my aid, and says a spell that takes all my wetness away. I stop shivering.

"We thought you didn't make it!"Ron cries.

"You were five minutes after Harry!" Hermione says.

"You put up a wonderful fight,"praises a new voice.

It was Igor Karakoff, who acknowledges me.

"Um, you attacked me?"I ask.

"You, Miss Chang, and Miss Granger,"he says.

"Why?!"Cho says indignantly.

"Because you, Weasley, Little Miss Delacour, Miss Granger, and Miss Yang were all part of the Second Task. We drugged you guys and used you as captives for the game. We just wanted to make it dramatic for you three,"Karakoff indicates me, Cho, and Hermione.

"And you, Miss Yang, are a great witch. You should be in Durmstrang." His eyes gleamed.

"She's perfectly okay at Hogwarts, Igor,"Flitwick squeaks."And she's quite impressive, isn't she? I figure we should show everyone how we captured these three."

I blush at the compliments."Wait. I probably look terrible. You shouldn't."

But Flitwick and Karakoff are already talking to Dumbledore, who agrees.

"Everyone!"Dumbledore announces, his voice ringing loudly and forcefully,"We want to show you a video on how we captured Miss Chang, Miss Granger, and Miss Yang."

Everyone quiets down.

The projection starts.

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