The Quidditch World Cup

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"When it rains,"Lucius Malfoy snaps, when Harry, Hermione, Cho, Marietta, Amos, Cedric, Ernie, the Weasleys and I started towards our seats up in the balcony."You'll be the first to know."

"Father and I have been invited by the Minister himself!"Draco brags."Front row seats!"

"Don't boast, Draco,"Lucius says,"These peasants are wasting our time."

"Oh, shut up!"Marietta says crossly, who just couldn't keep her mouth shut."You're just jealous!"

"Really, Edgecombe?"Draco asks coldly, "Why would I be jealous of you?"

Marietta splutters indignantly, turning red.

"Because you've no friends!"I save her."You know, you might think that you're all rich, but everyone thinks you're all selfish brats!"

My friends, Amos, and Arthur raise their eyebrows. Fred and George applaud me silently. I never got angry at people.

"I'm sure your parents would be delighted,"Lucius says, his eyes gleaming."Miss Edgecombe and Miss Yang, that you've been speaking to an adult with a high authority in a less than pleasing manner."

I glare at him. Arthur puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Dang, Marmars,"Cho says,"You stood up to him!"

"You burned him real good!"Ron says, clapping me and Marietta on the shoulder.

"My mum's gonna kill me,"Marietta says miserably."She'll take away my books!"

Fred and George hide their snorts with coughs.

"I'll explain to them,"Arthur promises Marietta. She casts him a grateful look.

"Besides, Marietta,"Hermione says,"I have a whole bloody set of books you can borrow!"

"Really!"Marietta cries, and she, Hermione, and Cho get into a deep conversation about the type of books she has.

"Are you all right?"I ask Harry quietly. He looks red.

"Um,"he manages,"Marmar, your friend Cho is quite pretty."

"Dude,"I say,"I hate to break this to you, but she's kinda dating Cedric."

"What's this about dating?"Ron interrupts.

The game starts.

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