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The Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione leave to get to their tent, and the rest of us go to our tent. We have one next to the Weasleys, except ours is much bigger. It looks smaller from the outside, but it's like a house on the inside.

"I'll leave you guys be,"Amos winks, and we have the tent to ourselves.

"Ireland or Bulgaria?"Cho asks.

"Irish!"Ernie, Cedric, and Marietta scream. Cho nods excitedly.

"Bulgaria,"I say simply.

"C'mon,"Ernie says,"We ALL know that Ireland's gonna win. They have the world's best players."

"Yeah,"I admit,"But Bulgaria has Viktor Krum, who's the world's best Seeker, and we all know that we just need a Seeker to get the Snitch and the game's done."

"Whatever, Marmar,"Ernie sighs, knowing that I'd win the argument in my own Ravenclaw way.

"Could Marmar have feelings for Krum?"Cedric asks, smirking.

"No way, Ced,"I say, hitting him jokingly with a rolled up copy of the Daily Prophet."I mean, he's decent and all, but like, he's so buff. Not to mention very intimidating."

"Who will you ever like, Marmar?"Ernie asks.

"I still think I'm too young to date,"I say seriously,"Besides, who would date me?"

"Let's see,"Cho says,"Michael Corner, Seamus Finnigan, Lee Jordan, Neville Longbottom, and Zacharias Smith."

"Wait,"I say,"They all like me? I heard about Longbottom and Finnigan, but Corner and Smith and Lee?"

"Are you interested in any of them?"Cedric asks.

"Um, no,"I reply,"I like someone in Ravenclaw. But he provably doesn't know I exist."

"Wait, who?"Cho asks.

"The suspense is bloody real,"Ernie says.

"Darius Flores,"I reply slyly. Cho, Marietta, Ernie, and Cedric gasp and squeal.

"Oh, the brown haired one with perfect pristine creamy white skin that every girl dreams about?"Cedric asks."He's pretty decent, I'll admit."

"Yeah, him,"I say,"But studies first. He can wait. He probably doesn't know I'm in his House."

"Shall we start dressing up for the game?"Marietta suggests.

"Yes!"Cho says excitedly.


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