Party Poopers

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"He likes youu!" Padma cries, dancing around me in circles.

"Dude,"Marietta says,"His face was priceless. I mean, the way he was looking at you in fascination."

"Not fascination,"Cho chides,"Love. His eyes were full of it."

"And heart,"Luna adds.

I sat on my bed, smiling like an idiot. My head was full of Darius' voice, chatting with me so casually. "I like that,"Darius had complimented me,"You, Margaret Yang, are quite a witty brave girl."

I sigh dreamily.

"Darius totally asked me out!"squeals a high pitched voice.

Ugh. Marilize and her gang. The "smart" Ravenclaws. How they even made it to the intelligent, creative house? I'll never know.

"Oh, look,"Marilize says, spotting us,"It's the losers." Her gang giggles like maniacs.

"You know,"she continues sweetly,"Darius asked me out today! I'm still debating whether I should break up with Terry for Darius or date both at the same time."

"Well,"Marietta replies cooly,"Thanks for the information, but I could care less."

"The world doesn't need to know your problems, Marilize,"Cho adds.

"And I reckon that we could all care less about your rather confusing love life,"Padma declares.

"You guys are a bunch of part poopers!"Marilize groans."C'mon girls, we should head down for breakfast. I don't wanna be detoured by a bunch of worthless girls who don't belong in Ravenclaw."

"What-a-cockroach!"Cho cries indignantly."Don't listen to her, Marmar, she's just jealous that Darius won't pay attention to a sore loser like her!"

We head down to the Great Hall.


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