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I wake up, a few minutes before our arrival to Hogwarts.

I stretch, and yawn.

"You drool when you sleep,"Luna says dreamily."It's rather fascinating. So many Nargles."

"She's been blabbing about Nargles for centuries, man,"Ron complains.

"Nargles are extinct,"Hermione says shortly. And adds, receiving a hurt look from Luna,"But they are once real. The Prophet wrote an article about them once." Luna grins at that.


After a feast at the Great Hall, I walk with Luna, including her in Cho's group, back to the Ravenclaw common room, which was decorated beautifully with new royal blue curtains, sofas, and bedsheets.

We chat excitedly about the Triwizard Tournament.

"I really hope Cedric gets picked,"Cho remarks,"I mean, he deserves it."

We agree, and chat a little more about the Tournament.

"Marmar,"Cho sings,"Look who's here!"

Darius Flores was walking our way.

"Wait,"Padma asks,"You like Darius?"

"Yes,"I reply, trying not to stare at him.

He drops down next to me, and Marietta says,"Score!" We laugh, and I blush.

"Hi, Margaret!"Darius grins a cute grin at me."Tournament's coming soon, eh?"

"Yes,"I say, trying not to stutter,"I can't wait to meet some of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrangs!"

"Same here,"he says fondly,"I've heard that Viktor Krum, world famous Quidditch Bulgarian Seeker, was part of Durmstrang. Rumor has it he still is."

"I was rooting for Krum during the World Cup,"I comment.

"Was it true that there was a Dark Mark cast into the sky?"Michael Corner asks, interested.

"OMG yes!"Marietta replies for me, and I shoot her a thank you look. I wouldn't have handled talking to my crush and someone who had a crush on me at the same time."Marmar here totally saved us!"

"She totally did!"Cho chimes in,"We were so scared, and she was fearless, like a leader."

I open my mouth to argue, but Cho winks at me. She and Marietta are trying to get Darius to like me. At least I know he knows that I exist.

"I like that,"Darius concludes,"You, Margaret Yang, are quite a witty brave girl."

"Thank you,"I mutter, and I can't stop myself from blushing this time.

Then the prefects ruin the fun and orders us upstairs and into our bedrooms.

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