Chapter 33

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Oh crap, 5k reads??? You guys are amazing :"0. What did I do to deserve u guys :""""/????????
Thanks everyone uwu

Ok uh, first of all, I will go fuck my self for not updating in so long. And second of all, fucking 6k reads?? I fucking haven't updated in so damn long that I've gone up two fucking thOUSAND reads. You guys are great, and I'm the worst. Jesus Christ I'm so sorry. Summer has been pretty busy, and I really have been lazy with my updating schedule now that school is out.

Again I apologize, and I'm going to go fuck myself soon, thank you again for 6k reads :))

NOPE... wait. Another new authors note. And that is me saying thanks for the fuckin 7k reads. If I'm telling the truth, it wasn't writers block. I just had no more motivation to write anymore. bUT IM BACK BABY!! and stronger than ever. So get ready, because I'll be updating once a week again just for you:))

Thanks again for 7k reads, and I'll be fucking my self soon.
Micheal was good at many things. It was basically why most of his teachers loved him, and why he had been so popular before Dean had come. Some of his talents included Baseball, football, basketball, hockey, Calculus, Fractions, Chemistry, and so on. Yet he didn't enjoy most of those things. But there was one thing that he was probably the best at, and this thing was something that he loved. And that was planning. He could spend hours doing it. It was a very handy skill to have. He used it on projects, games, sports, his life. And with the cloudy future ahead, Micheal had spent days planning ahead.

It had come to the point where it just ran his mind. Day in and day out it was all about his and Lucifer's future together. What they would do for jobs, where they could live, if they could even afford college. College was one of Micheal's dreams. He had always wanted to go to college. And with the grades he had, he had been offered plenty of scholarships. But he didn't know if he should go. Micheal couldn't stand it if he had to leave Lucifer.
And the thought of him being mad, or even disappointed plagued Micheal's mind.

For the thing that seemed to plague most  minds was disappointment. The thought of disappointing your teacher for not turning in an assignment in time plagued the average student. The thought of disappointing your parents by disobedience was a constant thought for most children. For the spouse, the thought of disappointing your partner was always at the back of their mind. The idea of not being good enough for someone  controlled the brain of a person to strive for great things. But it was making Micheal do the opposite.

He couldn't understand this kind of thing. They were made for each other. Micheal shouldn't be having these kind of thoughts. He wasn't supposed to have such high expectations for himself in the eyes of Lucifer. They should have the perfect relationship. Everyone had a perfect relationship. So why wasn't Micheal feeling perfect? He was always perfect. His whole life had been controlled by the thought of being perfect. It was engrained in his head. But why wasn't his relationship perfect? It was just unfair. Fate was unfair, life was unfair, his mind was unfair. Micheal should have the perfect relationship, it was only on his nature. It was just meant to be.


If you had asked Lucifer what he thought about charts, he wouldn't really give a response. I mean with a question like that, who would? The only thing he could say wouldn't even be a word. Just a simple shrug or a strange look.

And that's normal. Charts aren't a very thought about thing. Unless it's apart of your job, then you could go without thinking about a chart for a long time.
Yet with Micheal, it was a whole other story. He didn't obsess with charts. They were a handy thing to him that was casually thought about.

But with this many charts strewn about the room, then you might think that something was on his mind. And that was exactly the idea that was forming in Lucifer's mind.

The teen carefully avoided the paper that covered the floor, slowly realizing what was on his mind really was heavy. He couldn't understand it though. They had worked everything out. There relationship was usually filled with happiness and love. He couldn't just understand what he had done to bother Micheal so much. He couldn't understand what he could do to help him. Maybe Lucifer just wasn't good enough. Maybe fate made a mistake. What if they weren't meant to be?

Lucifer sighed. He shouldn't be this hurt over how Micheal was feeling. It was selfish. He was taking Micheal's problems and making them his own. The teen now stared down at a passed out Micheal. The dark bags under his eyes were extremely apparent next to his pale skin, and soft snores came out of the boy's lips. He seemed so tired. So sad in a way. How hadn't Lucifer noticed this? How could he just sit back and let this happen to Micheal? What was he doing wrong?

Lucifer sighed again. All these questions were getting to him. It felt like no matter how relaxing the day was, how good his relationship was, or how happy he was, Lucifer would always have these thoughts. A feeling of anger bubbled up inside him. His eyes narrowed. This wasn't fair. Why couldn't he just be happy? Everyone else was so fucking happy all the damn time. So why couldn't Micheal be happy either. Why were they so sad all the time? They had gotten past the threat of Micheal's parents, and had a bright future planned for them, so why were all the questions rising up? Why were the concerns bubbling up to the point weird Lucifer couldn't see?

Why was he taking Micheal's struggles so hard? He was being so damn selfish. He was many then personal, transforming them to fit his own troubles. It wasn't right for Lucifer to do this. He just had to be there for Micheal. Not be so rude to him. Of course, at least the dark haired boy couldn't see you horrible Lucifer was being. But hey, it's in the name. Lucifer was obviously a horrible person. But he shouldn't show that to Micheal.

He was just going to be there for Micheal. He was going to ask what was wrong. He was going to give him a big hug, let him cry, let Micheal release his feelings. Make his worries go away. It would all work out.

Lucifer just had to stop being such a horrible person. And he could do it.

He had too.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWhere stories live. Discover now