Chapter 21

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Micheal sighed in frustration. The moment he had quietly entered his home he was met with a whirlwind of shouting. He had been banned of even mentioning Lucifer, which was a pretty hard thing to do. His grounding had been prolonged from a couple days to a couple months. Disobeying his parents was one of the worst things you could do to them. He hadn't been able to attend the family reunion in fear that he would say something imperfect, which wasn't really a loss in his book. His whole family consisted of arrogant jerks who looked down on any flaw and had a firm belief of perfection.

They had told them that he had come down with a terrible fever. But in reality he was just locked in his room, studying. They had made him study nonstop, which gave him good grades but not enough sleep. Micheal loved his family, but this was too much.

Which is why he was planning to disobey them again. The loss of sleep was nothing compared to the loss of Lucifer. Not seeing him put a hole through his life. Micheal desperately missed him. Not even school could offer a shelter away from his parents watch. Now even the teachers had them separated on order from his parents.
So his plan was to sneak out in the middle of the night and meet him. He was extremely excited, but there was one flaw.

He didn't know how to really...sneak out of a house. He had never really snuck out, besides that time with Lucifer. But that had been luck. His parents went to bed early, which was also lucky, but they were extremely light sleepers. Any noise could wake them up. Which is why he wanted to sneak out the window, but it was a long way down, and Micheal didn't plan of breaking any bones. Oh, and Lucifer didn't know about this plan.

That was the major flaw. He had realized this halfway through the planning. He could surprise Lucifer, but he didn't really know how he could sneak into his room. Micheal scowled down at his work, he had been planning for hours instead of sleeping, and he didn't have anyone to confide in. It felt horrible to be away from Lucifer. Trying to devise this plan had taken up most of his night, fueled by Micheal's determination to be by Lucifer's side.

The only thing he could really do was to try to get Lucifer into an empty classroom and quickly explain his plan. Of course Micheal had seen him around school, but those were sudden glimpses, before they could get close they were swiftly separated. So this task wouldn't be easy, but Micheal was determined. He would see Lucifer. At this point, he wouldn't mind just running away with him.
But he could wait, if this plan worked out it would suffice his wanting for now. They could create more and more plans. Micheal knew it couldn't be like that forever, but he didn't have a plan for that. So it would have to last.

He smiled down sleepily at his work. This plan was good, it wasn't perfect, but it could work. Micheal would silently climb out the window in the living room, which was down stairs. He would have to be as quiet as possible, and if he awoke his parents he could use the excuse of getting a midnight snack during his endless studying. When he left he could meet Lucifer somewhere, he just didn't know where. That's what they could discuss.

Micheal quickly tucked the plan in his backpack, somewhere not in plain sight, and crashed into his bed. He was exhausted, his parents had gone to bed long ago and the house was silent. It felt nice to just lie down, he was constantly up all day even though he was grounded.

Micheal quickly let sleep take over and wash away all his worries.


Micheal had nearly slept in, which wasn't apart of his plan. His plan had been to wake up early even though he had stayed up late. It was a task that he had thought could be possible, but it wasn't. The moment his alarm had gone off he had groggily opened his eyes, well attempted to. The world had seemed so bright, and the darkness surrounding his vision seemed to draw him away. Which ended up with him falling back asleep, though the alarm. Not even the loud irritating sounds of an alarm clock could keep Micheal up.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang