Chapter 18

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Dean had aced the test. He fucking aced it, and it was a math test. That never happened. The look of shock on his family members faces was priceless. But the ecstatic expression and large hug from Castiel sent jitters down his spine.

It seemed making Castiel happy was the true reason Dean even tried anymore, but he wouldn't ever admit it. It was just a small thought at the back of the head that grew whenever he saw Castiel's pleased smile.

Dean smiled down at Castiel as he checked the time. They had been in the park for awhile now, and Dean guessed that it was almost time to go home. But in all honesty, he didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay with Castiel.

"It's almost time to go, should we walk towards the library?" Castiel asked.

"Uh...yeah, sure." Dean hesitantly agreed.

As they walked from the park to the library, Dean contemplated on asking Castiel to spend some time, outside of tutoring. But he feared on what he would say. Sure they were soulmates, but there's chances of people rejecting their soulmates. It's rare, but it's happened before. Of course when you do, you usually don't feel so hot, but it's still happened.

And this small chance slightly scared Dean. Of course he had technically rejected Castiel by not starting a relationship the moment he met him, but still. That chance still could make him shake in terror, that chance stopped him from speaking. It made his mouth feel dry. He hated that chance, he hated the feeling it gave him.
Dean attempted to calm himself down and just ask him. He could do it, Dean was brave. He had always been brave.

" w-want-" Dean sputtered as he tried to talk. His mouth felt dry again, but he had caught Castiel's attention.

Dean coughed nervously and restarted his sentence. "Do you want to...hang out sometime...y'know...outside of tutoring?"

Castiel seemed to brighten up a bit at his question, and the amount of effort it had taken to ask him.

"Yeah, sure! When do you want to meet? And where?" Castiel replied, failing to hide the excitement in his voice.

"Sunday...because there's no tutoring, and at my house." Dean instantly responded, now with more confidence in his voice.

They both seemed to grow happier with each sentence that was spoken. When they arrived at the library, their parents were already waiting in their cars. They didn't seem to question that they didn't come out of the library anymore.

Dean suddenly turned to Castiel and handed him a slip of paper.

"Here, take this." He spoke a bit rushed.

Castiel took the small piece of paper and peered at the writing scrawled out. He realized that they were numbers. But not just any number, it was Dean's number.  Castiel felt a small blush form on his face. He had his number. He felt his lip curling into a smile. But when Castiel finally looked up, Dean was gone, as well as his parent's car.

He sighed heavily and pocketed the slip of paper, careful not to let it fall out, and jumped into Chuck' car. Castiel knew that the number didn't mean much. But it felt nice to win one. Even if it was just one small victory.


Dean sighed in annoyance. It was currently Sunday and the horrible feeling returned. His stomach churned and he felt terribly nervous. He shouldn't be nervous, Castiel seemed so excited to spend more time together. But even after reassuring himself multiple times, the feeling didn't fade.

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