Chapter 16

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Sorry for posting so late, I just got back from my break and things are a little slow :l but this won't happen again. I had some writers block as well, and didn't really like the story I wrote. I'll try harder next time.
Samandriel had gotten in a bit of trouble. Maybe a lot of trouble. Even though his dad hadn't noticed that he was gone until the next day, but that wasn't the point.

He was grounded, only for a couple days, but still grounded was grounded. It was still pouring out side, and it didn't seem like it would ever stop.

The moment he had woken up after falling asleep next to Adam, he had panicked. A: He was in someone else's bed. B: It was a school day. C: He hadn't told his dad where he was.

Samandriel hadn't gotten yelled at, but he was late to school. Which he never was. Of course Adam had apologized repeatedly, even after Samandriel had said it was alright.

But today, Samandriel didn't feel like going to school. He felt like staying home. Of course even when he hadn't in the past, he still went anyway. But now, he wasn't going. He was angry with his dad for grounding him, his headache made him want to kill everyone in the room, and he wasn't going to have to sit through seven hours of torture.

No, Samandriel was going to relax. Not feel like shit. He had taken a couple painkillers and was waiting for them to take effect.

But he still had to leave the house for his dad to think that he went to school. As Samandriel walked with his backpack, he heard loud and rapid footsteps heading his way. He turned his head and saw Adam running towards him.

"Hey Alfie! How're you?" He questioned cheerfully.

Alfie just monotonously shrugged, which caused Adam the frown.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked with a tone of sadness.

Samandriel just placed his hand over Adam's mouth and stared at him. "I'm not mad."

He then kept walking, the Adam following close behind. Samandriel didn't really know where he was going, just not to school. So when he took a sharp turn away from the school, Adam paused.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" He called after Samandriel.

"I don't know!" He responded.

Adam was confused. Was he taking the long route? I mean they had to go to school, they couldn't just ditch.

Adam sighed and ran after him, he was worried about Samandriel. He wasn't usually like this. Besides, he could probably convince him to go to school.

"We should go back to school." He suggested.

"No." Samandriel simply stated.

Adam kept on insisting for awhile until he gave up. Samandriel wasn't going to be detoured from his path of skipping school.
They soon started to walk into a bad part of town. Adam got more and more nervous with each step. But it seemed that Samandriel wasn't fazed. Scraps of junk littered the street.

The few homeless people in the town littered the streets. For such a small town it had a large bad area in town.

"Uh...Alfie let's go back now." Adam insisted.

"Well I mean, we came all this!" Samandriel, now slightly cheerful, exclaimed.

Adam sighed again. They shouldn't be in this part of town. They should be in school, learning shit. But now the only thing that Adam had learned today, was that his soulmate was fucking crazy.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWhere stories live. Discover now