Chapter 10

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"I have tutoring on Saturday?!" Dean yelled. Obviously pissed at his dad.

He had just learned that he even had tutoring on the weekends. The only days where he didn't have tutoring were Sunday and Wednesday. And the rest would be filled with awkwardness between his soulmate. And being lectured about math from a little math loving troll.

"Of course you do. You still suck at math." John bluntly stated.

Dean harshly glared at his father, who had a new cup of coffee in a protective case.

"I'll drink your coffee."

"And I'll feed you to hungry lions."

Dean rolled his eyes. The green eyed teen looked at the library in annoyance.

"I'm not going in there." Dean calmly stated.

"Dean...I have connections with the zoo."

Dean hopped out of the car in a panic after seeing a picture of his dad posing in front of a lion.

Just like last time, John sped the car away.
And just like last time, Dean groaned in annoyance.

Before he could enter the library he heard a voice. He turned to see Castiel standing just outside of the library, holding all of his supplies.

"Dean...wait." Castiel walked up up to him, carefully trying not to drop his large amount of papers.

"What is it?"

Castiel looked pretty nervous for a moment.

"They...won't let us into the library."

Dean smiled widely.

"Great! This means no tutoring!" Dean said before turning around and walking away.

He paused for a moment. Realizing his house was a good 4 miles away, and Dean didn't feel like walking 4 miles.

He looked at Castiel in annoyance, who just shrugged.

" want to go to that coffee place? Maybe that waitress isn't there." Castiel suggested.

Dean just shrugged before walking towards the coffee shop. When you weren't sprinting after someone in anger, it was a good 2 minute walk in silence. When they arrived they saw no sight of the waitress, so they quickly sat down.

Of course Castiel ordered another tea, and Dean got a plain black coffee. They waited in silence, Castiel shuffling his papers around, and Dean yawning once and awhile while staring out the large window. Just as Dean expected, it was extremely awkward. They both didn't know what to say, or do.

The topic of ever being together loomed over their minds. They both knew they wanted to talk about it, but nothing on how to say it. Their drinks came from a different waitress this time, who just let a little 'have a nice day' slip from her mouth and walked away.

They both looked at their drinks and didn't say a word. Dean should've just walked home, now 4 miles didn't seem that bad.
Of course a small feeling of nauseousness started to form when he began to leave. And Castiel's sorrowful look seemed to pull him back. The last he wanted to do, or what fate wanted him to do, was to make Castiel sad.
Dean sighed and sat back down.

"So...what are we gonna do?" Castiel asked.

Dean looked at him, startled. He wasn't expecting Castiel to bring up their complex situation.

Now Dean had a title to uphold. He knew that he was slowly replacing Micheal, but the former top of the food chain, didn't really seem to mind. It was easy, almost too easy. And Dean hadn't even seen him around all day.

But besides Micheal, he didn't know how all his new friends, let alone the school, would react to him having a boy as a soulmate. Even though people can't control what gender their soulmate is, people can still be judgmental and not open to same-sex relationships.

Dean sighed again.

"I'm not really sure." Dean answered after a long pause.

They both fell into another long silence. Castiel started to sip his tea lightly and Dean sighed again. They still had forty minutes left.

"Let's just talk..." Dean suggested hesitantly

Castiel nodded and slowly started to tell Dean about things in his life, like hobbies, tv shows, books, and just about himself in general. It seemed Dean was listening intently, and he was. It was nice to draft themselves from the problems in their life.

Dean in turn told Castiel about his life, the loss of his mom, losing his friends after each move, and just things about himself.

It wasn't long before they realized that it was nearly time to go. They both looked at their empty cups and sighed in inion, they both looked at each other and laughed a bit. Dean chuckling and Castiel giggling.

Dean looked at Castiel's giggling face and blushed a bit. He couldn't explain it, but seeing him smile filled Dean with joy. He wanted to see him smile again, he wanted to make him smile.

As the walked back and their parent's cars became visible, Dean realized that he didn't want to leave yet...he didn't want to leave Castiel. Dean was confused by this thought, by the strange need for the shorter boy next to him. He was straight, Dean is straight, he couldn't fall in love with a guy, even if it was his soulmate. Dean hated the whole soulmate idea.



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