Chapter 14

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Dean walked with one of his new friends, Charlie. Of course they had naturally become friends when the two of them worked together to take down a bully, who was named Dick Roman. They joked now and then about his name. Dean also made a friend named Kevin from the whole experience. He had tried to introduce him to Sam a couple times, but he could never find his brother anymore.

"Y'know I just think you should get over it and make out already." She exclaimed loudly, making Dean blush slightly and try to shush her.

Dean had been ranting to Charlie about his situation all afternoon in hopes for some of her sage advice, but all he got was the sentence from earlier. Of course he had tutoring today, but now he was feeling nervous about it. They weren't allowed in the library, and Dean wasn't doing that well in math. After Castiel had taken one look at his grades, he had gone all out and forced him to complete his math homework.

Now they were going to study for a test, which Dean was dreading. He didn't expect Castiel to be so scary. The boy was usually so silent and introverted, unless you insulted him. Or in Dean's case, knock over a bookshelf and get kicked out of the library.

He waved goodbye to Charlie and started to walk to the library. His dad pushed up tutoring to right after school when he saw Dean's grades. He wasn't very happy, but stuck to his word and didn't change to another tutor. And to Dean's frustration, he made one hour of tutoring, three hours. John had never really been this strict before. Dean sighed as he approached the library, even after getting permanently banned, it was still their meeting spot.

Dean saw that Castiel was already standing in front of the building, of course he would be early. In his hands was an enormous amount of worksheets and study guides. Dean cringed at the sight of it all.

The moment Castiel saw him an evil grin filled his face, and he teasingly gestured to the ridiculous amount of paperwork. Dean, in return, glared at Castiel harshly.

"Where are we going this time?" Castiel questioned, when Dean came into earshot.

"Some place crowded so someone can stop you from torturing me." Dean said when they both started walking away.

Castiel rolled his eyes and suddenly turned into an alley.

"Oh Jesus you're really gonna torture me!" Dean said in a mock scared voice.

Castiel scoffed, he knew that this was sarcasm. He had finally started to understand it after really believing that Gabriel was a magical fairy.

"Of course not dummy, this is the way to the park." He said, pointing to the greenery on the other side of the alley.

Dean slouched when they approached a clear grassy area and Castiel started to set up a little work area. Dean's stomach churned when he saw the large worksheet that was meant for him.

After a couple minutes of refusing to work, and then Castiel turning to extreme measures, Dean started to work. Of course he got a lot of it wrong, but when he got it correct, he treasured Castiel's proud look.

After two hours of math worksheets and complaining, the wind started to pick up. Of course it had been partly cloudy all day, but when Dean looked up now, the sky was stained with dark clouds.

Castiel looked worriedly down at his abundant amount of paperwork, they were starting to move a bit. As one started to blow away, Dean caught it. The wind was starting to get stronger now, and Castiel could've sworn he had felt a raindrop. The dark haired boy quickly started to pack up all of his things, with Dean helping to catch anything that flew away.

Slowly it started to drizzle, which soon turned into dime sized raindrops. They splattered across the ground, creating a polkadot pattern. Castiel sighed in relief when everything was safe in his backpack. Dean grabbed his hand harshly, and pulled him up. It was then, when Castiel finally realized how much it was raining now.

He felt Dean pull him along back into the alley and towards a random building.
The moment they entered the building, a pleasant warmth hit them. The two of them sighed in relief.

Castiel looked around, they were in the library. He could see the librarian sorting books, by not looking at them. Just as she started to notice the loud entrance, Castiel pulled Dean behind a large bookshelf.

"Out of all the buildings, why the library?" He hissed at Dean, who was nervously attempting to avoid Castiel's deadly glare.

"Well sorry, I guess I'll wear goggles next time!" Dean growled back, his voice raising at the end of the sentence.

They both froze then the impatient footsteps of the librarian sounded towards them. This time Dean pulled Castiel into another section of the library. Moments later they heard the confused grunt of the librarian.

"Do you think we can make it to the entrance?" Dean suggested as he peeked his head around the corner and quickly ducked back.

He grabbed Castiel's hand again and pulled him to the kids corner of the library. The shelfs were shorter, so they had to crouch. This time the librarian made a frustrated sound when she arrived at their former hiding spot.

"She saw me." Dean said in a hushed tone, when he saw Castiel's confused look.

"I know it's you two! These bookshelves are expensive and over forty years old!" The librarian yelled at them, just like last time.

Dean started to snicker behind his hands. Castiel successfully held in his laughter.
He looked at the exit and listened carefully to the librarian's loud footsteps. Before Dean could even stop laughing, Castiel grabbed him and quickly dragged him towards the glass doors.

The last thing that they heard before the doors closed, was the librarian's screech of anger. The cold air hit them immediately, and they both started to shiver. The rain hadn't let up one bit, in fact it seemed that it had gotten worse.

They both looked at each other for a couple seconds before bursting out in laughter. They laughed so hard that tears poured out of their eyes. The laughter sounded crazy to a normal persons ear, but it was genuine. It was a laughter that rarely happened, it was something that you could only read about. And when it did happen it was gone in a flash.

It took awhile for them to calm down, and when they did the cold reminded them of how sick they would be the next day. As they searched for cover, Castiel checked the time and realized that they only had a couple minutes left.

They spent those couple of minutes under a shop awning, smiling over what had transpired moments before. Soon Castiel's alarm when off, and the two of them ran over to their pick up area.

"Jesus Christ! You're soaking wet, what happened?!" A yell that caught Dean out of a little trance that he had got caught in  the moment they stepped under that awning.

He saw his dad's car that had suddenly pulled up in front of him. John had a look of shock on his face. Just before Dean climbed into the car, he turned to Castiel and gave him a small pat on the back, and a smile.

"I had fun Cass" Dean said before climbing into the car.

Castiel smiled at the fading lights of the car and then paused. Cass? When did Dean start calling him Cass? He smiled at the nickname. At least this day had gotten him a nice nickname.

(Turns out I've been spelling Cass wrong. I was spelling it Cas :l)

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant