Chapter 1

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The trip was boring. The trip was long.
But most of all the tension in the car was think enough to eat.

Everyone was off in their own thoughts
But let's just say for Dean, none of them were very nice.

Anger radiated off him and it made everyone, even John, nervous.
Everyone knew he hated it whenever they moved. And the trip to each former town had been filled with tension and anger.
Mostly from Dean.

But what Adam couldn't understand was, why didn't he ever explode.
I mean he was basically a ticking time bomb on each trip. But never did the fuse go off.

But this time Dean wasn't keeping his anger under check.
He kept furiously kicking the door next to him, and grinding his teeth together in an attempt to annoy John.

And as usual none of it worked.
John had gotten used to it.
After the tragic death of his wife he had learned to keep his anger in check and put his kids before himself.

Unless it came to remembering Adam.


When they had arrived at the house everyone grabbed their suitcases in silence and slowly walked up the steps to the door.

Right after John unlocked it they were greeted by the smell of dust. The family slowly walked in and they walked upstairs a bit too fast to claim a room.

Of course Sam had gotten the smallest bedroom. He sighed in annoyance.
He never got the biggest bedroom.
Only Dean did.

The room had a single bed and a small dresser. Both being small the fit in the room. Of course Sam was used to having a small bedroom.

The family joked that it was because he was so short. Sam always scowled at them and claimed that he would grow taller than all of them. To which they howled in laughter.

He got out a Ladyheart poster and quickly plastered it on the wall before Dean could burn it. This was his fifth poster, and all the others had a fate filled with fire.

School started in two days. Hopefully Sam could survive until then.

But until then all Sam wanted to do was get away from his family and have some peace.


Of course after five seconds of being in the house the group of teens and one poor adult all looked at each other.

Then a war started. They all pushed clamored up the stairs to get the best bedroom, Chuck shouting the whole time that only he could have the master bedroom.

But at the end of the war Lucifer got the biggest bedroom. Until Chuck shoved him out of the master bedroom at the last minute which forced him to shove Gabriel out of the second biggest bedroom and close the door in his face.

"You can't do this!" He screeched in anger

"Look at the door in front of your face and realize I just did!" Lucifer yelled back before locking the door and unpacking his bag.


Micheal woke up with a start at the sound of inhuman screeching.

At first he thought it could be a demon.
Or someone being tortured.

It turned out the sound was coming out from an open window in his room.
He saw lights on in the house next door which had always been vacant after the last owner died. Micheal feared there was a ghost in the house.

But he soon calmed down after he saw the satisfied look of a teen boy as he locked the door. But Micheal was confused. Who had moved into this house?

And why were they screaming at each other at this ungodly hour?
Micheal just shut his window rather loudly and tried the fall back asleep.

"Good lord how much can one person scream?" He exclaimed before yawning sleepily and soon falling asleep.

Of course him slamming the window shut caught the attention of Lucifer who quickly turned around at the sound.

He soon started to smirk after he saw an annoyed face of a teenager.
But by then Micheal wasn't looking at him and instead was trying to fall asleep.

But now Luci was sure that he had found his next victim.




Gabriel was pounding on the door to his dads new bedroom.
Slowly Chuck opened the door and looked out at his furious face.


"I'm not helping you that's Satan in there." He exclaimed before shutting the door in his son's face.

So now Gabriel was out of luck. All he had was a small bedroom with a small bed, and small everything.
He wasn't standing for this. Gabriel wasn't small! He was tall! (In his opinion) And he wasn't going to have the smallest bedroom in the damn house.

So this mission lead him to Samandriel's new room. He started to calmly knock on his brothers door. Slowly, and stupidly, he opened the door. Because poor Samandriel thought the war was over.
But to his shock Gabriel threw him out of his room and ran in to claim it for himself.

"Sorry Alfie but I'm meant for bigger things!" Gabe's muffled shout sounded through the door.

Samandriel sighed, his stuff was still in there.
Moments later his bag came flying out into his face. Samandriel groaned as he hit the floor.
This move wasn't starting off very good.

Alfie just wanted to go home.

Hope you enjoyed, if you find typos please tell me. I just want everyone to enjoy this story.

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