Chapter 12

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It was now Sunday. Only one last day of freedom.

Of course, Samandriel didn't think that school would be that bad with someone new in his life. And that someone was Adam, and he couldn't wait to talk with him again.

Alfie had called him once and had one long conversation, which had ended up with them both blushing and thinking about each other. Things were going smoothly, but there was one problem. Samandriel didn't really know how to start anything.

Whenever he tried to ask him to do anything he would just immediately turn to jelly and shut up. So he decided that he would just stay in today and let himself think out ways to make themselves more than awkward jelly friends.

But all the scenarios needed him to have some confidence and mental strength. Which was something that Alfie didn't have much of. In the middle of writing another failed scenario he heard the doorbell ring. After a couple minutes he heard it ring again.

Usually someone would get it by now. Alfie looked around and realized that all his brothers were gone, and his dad was holed up on his room writing. But Alfie had heard some overdramatic sobbing coming from his bedroom door, so Chuck was off limits for the day.

The short boy sighed, and quickly ran to the door and opened up quickly with a dull expression with turned red in an instant when he saw who was at the door.

"Heyyyy Alfie...I'm bored...let me in." Adam said in an extremely monotone voice.

Alfie sat sputtering at the door as Adam let himself in.

"What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live? Did I tell you?" A thousand questions came spewing out of his mouth which was moving a mile a minute. He immediately shut up the moment he felt Adam softly place a finger on his lips.

" you have Netflix?"

Alfie's face became more red than usual. Adam had been so cheerful at his workplace, boredom must be a big pet peeve of his.

"I have Hulu." Alfie said, wincing a bit when Adam crashed himself onto the couch.
Words muffled by the couch came out of his mouth. Which quickly became understandable when Adam lifted his face from the couch.

"Come to thy couch and turn on the tv." Adam said before smacking his face back to the couch.

Alfie gulped nervously and sat on the couch and turned the tv on. Adam lazily turned his head to look at the tv.

"How did you find out where I lived?" Alfie asked again.

"You'd be surprised what a homeless man can do for a couple bucks." Adam answered simply.

Alfie stared at him in surprise.

"You could've just called me." He stated bluntly.

"Oh yeah...well that wouldn't have been as much fun. I had a pretty wacky adventure, I would tell you about it but I'm pretty tired. But it included a lot of cats and a homeless gang." Adam said without breaking eye contact with the tv.

Alfie felt a bit flattered that he went through all that trouble just to see him. But a little scared of what Adam was capable of. And that there's a homeless gang in town. At least Adam knew them.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWhere stories live. Discover now