Chapter 19

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Sam was at a loss for words, which was a common thing for him. But still, he couldn't form a single apology. He had thrown up all over someone, and that someone was Gabriel. Right after the incident took place they stared at each other in shock.

Sam desperately wanted to say something, but what? If he just apologized he could just make things worse. If he didn't he could still make things worse. But when he felt the horrible feeling of nausea come back, he quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up for a second him.

When Sam staggered back to his room Gabriel was still frozen in shock. Sam opened his mouth to say something. But just couldn't bring himself to speak. He'd ruin everything. They had a nice friendship between them. All Sam had to do was not talk. If he said something he felt as though Gabriel would be mad. Sam was slightly scared of Gabriel in a way. He was extremely scary when mad.

The only thing that came out of his mouth was a sigh. He couldn't believe the hole he had dug around himself had gotten so deep. Everything was so complicated for him. Sam could think of a way to apologize silently?

Sam quickly ran back to the bathroom to grab a towel. But when he returned Gabriel was no where in sight. This made Sam even more concerned. He was probably furious. This thought made him shudder. He would find Gabriel and apologize, even if it was the last thing he would do.

Sam slowly started to stumble to the front door when his dad quickly rushed him back to bed.

"You can't leave you're sick." John quietly said.

Sam attempted to sputter a reply but couldn't. It was when his head hit his pillow that he finally realized how exhausted he truly was. A small part of him desperately still wanted to look for Gabriel, but he could already feel himself falling asleep. They next thing Sam knew, he was sound asleep.


Gabriel had been in shock. For less than a minute. But still, absolute shock. Of course the moment Sam had thrown up on him, he had been shocked as well as Sam. But after the shock had died down, Gabriel felt horrible. He shouldn't of made fun of those pictures. He had really stressed out Sam to the point of throwing up, and for that he felt guilty. Gabriel didn't feel guilty often. He mercilessly played pranks on unsuspecting victims, not wallow in guilt and regret for one mistake.

But he just couldn't shake the rotten feeling inside him. In fact, he was starting to feel sick himself. He felt as though he couldn't face Sam, and that feeling confused him. Lately this silent boy had made him feel feelings he had never felt before, such as guilt. He didn't know why one mistake could make him feel so horrible, it scared him. Gabriel had to get out of this room. He had to get out of this house. He felt as though if he could just maybe get away, that this miserable feeling would pass.

If it did, maybe he could face Sam again. But at the thought of Sam, Gabriel felt a whole new wave of guilt crash over him. In a panic, he felt his feet take him out of that dreaded room and rapidly it of the house.

Outside the weather was still cloudy, but the rain had stopped. The fresh air was nice, but he still couldn't shake that feeling, and he smelled like vomit. Which made things worse. Way worse. He felt sick to his stomach. But most of it was from the regret that seemed to rot inside himself. Gabriel quickly started to run home. He had to get rid of the smell that seemed to drive him insane.

When he barged into his house he received disgusted looks from his brothers, but he kept moving on urgently. He didn't have time to explain why he smelled like hell, he just had to get rid of it. A part of him felt bad for Sam for leaving abruptly, but he knew he couldn't face him right now.

He hurriedly jumped into the shower and sighed as the warm water hit his back. Even after the smell had faded, Gabriel still felt horrible. He couldn't find a solution to his problem. He didn't even know much about the problem. Just that he had a horrid feeling that wouldn'tt just go away. Gabriel started to panic more. He now sat in his bed, with his hands gripping tightly to his scalp. Everything seemed to be going so wrong for such a small reason.

Gabriel had to apologize. But he didn't know how. He wanted to, but he couldn't. He felt a nerve-racking pain in his chest whenever he had the slightest urge to go back. Gabriel was so confused. All his emotions seemed to clash together which left him this suffering state. However, he slowly started to move away from his bed, tuning out the protesting of his mind, and focused on walking back to Sam.

Poor sick Sam who was probably wondering where he was, or he could be hurt that he disappeared. Oh god, maybe he was mad hat he left. Gabriel paused at this thought. What if Sam was mad? This little notion seemed to paralyze him with fear. Gabriel had felt the wrath of countless victims, yet Sam's seemed to scare him. No not scare, terrify him. In a way, Gabriel was terrified of Sam. Yet he couldn't stay away from him. He didn't really understand this fear, but it was still there.

Gabriel pushed that fear away, even though it still nagged at the back of him mind, and walked on. When he reached the house it took most of his strength to even attempt to knock on the door, but when he did he was opened by Sam's dad. Gabriel had been lucky that the large man hadn't recognized him from when he and Sam had gotten caught skipping class.

"Oh, it's you again." He muttered to himself.

Gabriel sweat nervously at the way he said it, but was still let in. He uneasily trudged up the stairs, his stomach churning with each step. The feeling was stronger than ever, it pervaded every inch of his body and made him feel vile. Still, he had to continue on. He couldn't give up now.

Gabriel quickly knocked on Sam's door and received no response. He sighed and quietly opened the door anyway. He had expected a distressed looking Sam, or even an angry looking Sam, but instead he was asleep. That's all. He was just sleeping. There wouldn't be some big fight or Gabriel having to explain why he left. That horrid feeling quickly faded into nothingness. It was strange how calm Gabriel felt.

He didn't know what to do, so he just stared. Everything see,ed to be so serine. The window had been opened, so a cool breeze wafted through the room. The breeze had replaced the rancid smell that had filled the room. Gabriel slowly sat down in a small chair, which matched the old oak desk across from it. The baby pictures had been scattered across the desk where he had dropped them.

Even after gazing upon the pictures, Gabriel's calm mood didn't waver. He looked back at Sam, who was still sleeping peacefully, and felt a small pang of sadness. This boy made him feel so different, and yet he wasn't his soulmate, some stranger was. He looked down at the writing on his leg and sighed, Sam would never ask a question like this. He felt like Sam understood why he pranked, because it was fun. It sent a rush through your veins when you could do something so daring in such a boring place. It could distract you from even your worst burdens.

These little thoughts got Gabriel to realize that he hadn't even attempted to earn his title back. 'The Trickster' was a great title. It reminded Gabriel of all his great adventures and feats. But he was having a great adventure without it. Which made Gabriel even more puzzled than he was before. Everything was so bizarre since he moved here. First this mysterious new friend, and now all these new feelings this friend was giving him.

Gabriel wondered why he still hadn't met his soulmate, and what kind of future fate had in store for him. But at least he was having such a fun time, well besides that horrible feeling. That guilt had crashed over him with such force, that it had left him confused and dazed.

Yet what confused him the most was the calming effect that seemed to radiate off Sam. He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when Sam started to stir.

Gabriel greeted Sam with a large smile as though nothing happened. This action confused Sam at first, but he accepted it and smiled back.

Sam wouldn't ever have to know about his emotional journey, and Gabriel would keep it that way. Sam would only see that daring, fearless version of him and nothing else. Gabriel liked it that way.

He could keep it that way. He had to.

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