Chapter 4

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Sam was grounded, for 2 weeks.
He was majorly pissed at Gabriel, but he was also extremely nervous at him being his soulmate.

He didn't know what to do. But he wouldn't reveal anything. But first came to dealing with being grounded.


Gabriel was pretty angry. First he got caught, second he was grounded. And now his unlikely accomplice probably wouldn't want to work with him, and he didn't feel like getting another one. Besides this guy was pretty entertaining.

He didn't talk, and he was an angry midget. He was the whole package of fun...for Gabriel. Anyone else might see him as a boring loser, but with him under Gabe's wing. It would be the start to a great friendship.

But now he wouldn't want to work with him. Which meant he would have to keep pulling the blackmail card. Even though he was kinda running out of them.

But for now he would have to try and convince Chuck to shorten his 3 weeks of grounding.


Samandriel was miserable. He had no friends. Caught someone whispering about him. And just felt so alone.

He wanted, no he needed to go home. He slowly walked over to his fifth period class and sighed.

As he walked in he saw almost every spot taken. Except in the back. He sighed again. Of course he would get the worst seat.

He quickly sat down and listened to the teacher drone out a long and annoying speech which seemed to last the entire class. Which it did.

Everyone was surprised when the bell rung. And quickly started to pack up their things.

Samandriel gulped. It was now lunch. What would he do? He usually sat with his only friend. But he was gone. He finally decided on just eating the the bathroom. As cliche as it sounds, it was his only option.

And he had gotten it from Mean Girls. But it was still his only option. So he quickly took his lunch and fast-walked to the bathroom. Before he could reach his new safe room he was knocked over.

The teen who was now on top of him quickly jumped off in shock.

"Sorry!" He said before quickly picking up him and Samandriel's things.

Samandriel felt a large blush on his face. He definitely wasn't expecting to have someone on top of him. But when this guy had said sorry to him he had felt a small burn on the palm of his hand. He realized that this was his soulmate.

His large blush turned even bigger as he started to try and sputter a thanks but all he could do was grab his things in the confused boy's outstretched hand and run away.


Adam was confused. First he had bumped into a kid who had appeared out of nowhere. And he hadn't even said thanks. But now his letters had appeared.


Those were the words. He squinted in even more confusion. Hello? Hello?!

That's all he got. His older brother got a full damn sentence and all he got was a hello?!

"Well hello to you too you fucking douchebag." He quickly said to the letters in the inside of his arm. Which earned him a weird look.

This was the worst, now he had his letters but  they were common words. Everyone said hello to each other! It was common curtesy. And now those were the small letters on his arm.

Adam rolled his eyes. This kind of disappointment was apart of his daily life. He shouldn't be surprised. Besides how hard was it to talk to someone?


"Oh god how could I talk to him?!"

Samandriel was now pacing in an empty classroom. The first one he had attempted to use what covered in an array of multicolored glitter. Which he had assumed was Gabriel's work. His now cold lunch was sitting forgotten on some floor in front of his former safe place. This was turning out to be a horrible day. Of course it wasn't rainbows and butterflies before, but it was something slightly better than meeting your soulmate. Who you could barely even talk to. And not having your delicious spaghetti.

Samandriel heard the final bell ring and quickly left the class room until there was the loud curse of "Bollocks!"

He peeked his head around a corner only to see a random student covered in glitter and glue. Samandriel sighed, this was again his brother's work. But then again where was he?

But right now he had bigger fish to fry. Finding his sixth period class, and avoiding his soulmate until he found something to say.


(This chapter is pretty short buuuut, I'll do a longer chapter next. forgive me :p)

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