Chapter 23

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Sam had thankfully recovered from his sickness and was graced with a bright, sunny day. It was as though the weather was apologizing in a way. In other words, the weather was perfect. Sam liked the cold, but he could enjoy the sun as well. And from what had happened to far, this day was turning out to be great.

First Gabriel had randomly come back after their incident and hadn't been mad. In fact, he had acted like it had never happened, which helped Sam feel better about what had occurred. Next they had spent most of that day together, which had made Sam almost forget about his horrible headaches and coughing-fits.

But now he was better, his sickness was a thing of the past and now Sam could enjoy a nice day. Well, he could try too. The thing was, he didn't really know what to do. It wasn't unusual for him to not have friends but he had come to enjoy Gabriel's presence, and being alone felt strange. In fact Sam felt almost...lonely. Even before his mother's death, Sam had always been quiet. He hadn't had any friends but he was happy. Not very happy, he still remembered the times that he would stare at groups of friends in envy. Glaring at their smiling faces. At the time he had only read about the feeling loneliness, but he could feel that feeling gnawing at his insides. It wasn't very pleasant.

Yet, after his mothers death Sam took a turn for the worse. He usually had a voice that could defend himself, just enough not to get bullied. But he hadn't known how to cope with her death. It had been so sudden, and just so...unexpected. It had left a gaping hole in his life. A hole that had quickly caused him to lose his voice. He hadn't been able to avoid the vile people in his school, who used his vulnerability to bully him. At first there had been sympathy for the poor boy, but her death and Sam quickly faded out of their minds. Forgotten.

But that was in the past. All those people were in the past. The gaping hole that he had revolved his life around was less prominent. Yet, it wasn't something that he could put behind him. He had moved on in his own way, but her memory could still bring up fresh tears. Life without her had been sour, and dull. But this town had been the first place to have some color. Sam had noticed how happy his family was. And he had to say, it was pleasant. They all seemed to be occupied with their own life, but everyone was still happy.

However, Sam had his own life to deal with. Now was not the time for thinking. He didn't know what he was going to do, but it could be something fun.

Yet after wandering around Sam found himself lost. He had tried relaxing in the park, but the constant rain had caused the river to overflow which made the park off limits. And being alone seemed to make this supposedly perfect day depressing. Anything he had used to do on the weekends was alone. Sam had always been alone. These days with Gabriel had made him forget all about being alone. Because, for the first time he had had a friend. But being alone again engulfed him with the empty feeling of loneliness. Sam couldn't handle this ice-cold feeling. So he found himself at Gabriel's house, well in front of his house.

Sam desperately hoped that the candy loving teen was in his house, even if it was unlikely. Gabriel was probably spending his day pranking people, or just anything outside. He wouldn't be cooped up in the house. Sam nervously knocked on the door and shuffled his feet in anticipation. It was quickly answered by a middle aged man who's tired eyes showed you what he had to deal with. He looked questioningly down at Sam who nervously started to speak.

" Gabriel home?" He quietly asked.

The man seemed to be slightly surprised, and he was. Chuck hadn't expected Gabriel's next partner in crime to be so short.

"Er- he's upstairs." He responded quickly, letting the boy in.

After the boy thanked him and had started to leave did Chuck curiously stare after him. He seemed too timid to be Gabriel's friend. It was certainly odd, but Chuck was willing to accept anything at this point. Gabriel had had very strange friends, but they had all been so loud. Chuck shrugged, it was about time for Gabriel to make new friends. And if it was a small polite boy then it was a good start.

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