Chapter 22

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Dean's grades were slowly improving, and it was thanks to Castiel. While his brothers had gotten into trouble for the first time in their lives, Dean was out acing most of his tests. Which was a shock to most.

Of course Dean was proud of his grades, but that wasn't really his goal anymore. His goal was to get closer to the boy who gave him unexplainable feelings. At first, Dean had tried to resist him. He had always thought that he would fall in love with a girl, but fate had other plans. Slowly, he had started to accept the wonderful feeling that invaded his mind whenever he saw Castiel.

Whenever Dean didn't have tutoring he didn't really know what to do with himself. Sure he had friends, but they didn't compare to being with Castiel. He enjoyed his personality, and every little smile that graced his face. But a part of him couldn't truly accept these feelings. A part of his wanted to go back to his normal life. His sad, normal life. A life where he could never keep a friend, a life where he supported a family at such a young age. He wasn't used to being so...happy. He couldn't just switch away from it, he had been so used to it. Dean felt like he had grown to enjoy it. He missed it somehow.

But Castiel seemed to bring him a different life, a better life. A life where he didn't provide food for the table, a life where he could be a teenager. However he didn't feel like a teenager, he felt like an adult. In a way his mind had been molded to be an adults',for he had had the life of an adult. Yet he was only a teenager, nothing more, nothing less. A teenager with a love for his tutor. It was a love that he had buried deep down, away from his mind, away from his life. He just couldn't admit this love to himself, so he tucked it away, only letting it come out whenever he saw Castiel.

Whenever the feeling did escape it's confinements, it surrounded Dean with a warm feeling. A feeling that he enjoyed, but confused him.
Yet a small part of him still attempted to resist, still remained. It would shout in his mind, trying to throw him off. Reject his feelings, reject Castiel. But Dean couldn't resist him. Castiel didn't even have to do anything for Dean to fall for him. Of course this was because they were soulmates, they were made for each other. And Dean couldn't change that fact.

"Go out with me."

The question that had taken the form of a demand startled Castiel. They had been walking to the library after a long day of tutoring when Dean had spoken. A heavy silence that fogged the air around them soon followed after the words. Castiel felt shocked, he definitely hadn't expected this from Dean. He had expected himself to have to awkwardly ask him out. The initial shock soon faded into a new feeling. It was the joy of realizing that Dean had come to accept his feelings. He could tell by the amount of effort it had taken him to sputter out the words. He should've seen the signs. The thoughtful look that graced his face for the whole study session, the lack of attention, and the weird silence that had been around them throughout the day.

As Castiel basked in the utter euphoria of this realization, Dean felt regret strangle him in it's merciless grip. He didn't mean to sound to demanding. He had meant to sound sincere, or maybe even charming. But around Castiel, he couldn't seem to be able to have much confidence. He felt his legs turn to jelly whenever he tried to talk to Castiel, even if he was only answering a math question. Dean was so lost in the endless pit of remorse that he hadn't noticed the delighted expression on Castiel's face.

"Yes! Of course!" He coughed awkwardly "I mean sure, yeah...whatever."

Dean paused at this answer, the pleasant feeling of love started to bloom in his chest as he felt any regret vanish.
He had actually said yes, Dean felt a sort of triumph at that thought. He couldn't help letting a large grin grace his face. The confinements that had held his long repressed feelings seemed to fade with the regret. Of course, Dean didn't truly know that this feeling was love, but the warmth of the feeling distracted him from that fact.

"Where you wanna go?!" He asked excitedly, grabbing Castiel's hands and grinning even wider now.

Castiel's cheerful expression didn't waver as he smiled widely up at Dean. "I don't know!" He loudly responded.

Their quiet day that had been filled with attempts at small talk and awkward silences just changed drastically. They both felt the feeling of love and couldn't help to let it show through their ecstatic expressions. Castiel didn't really care where they went, just as long as it was a date with Dean. Just a couple days a ago had he been celebrating just visiting Dean's house, and now his small victories seemed like nothing compared to this one. Castiel had been asked out by the same person he had thought would never grow to even develop feelings for him. Even if they were soulmates.

Eventually after all the giddiness had slightly died down, they had agreed to just work out the details over the phone, even if they had preferred talking in person their parents could be impatient people.

But that didn't distract Castiel from his happiness, because throughout the night he could glance at the writing on his shoulder. Even if the words were harsh at the thing he loved, they marked the way he and Dean had met and how far they had come from that.

Castiel just couldn't really wait. He was too happy to sleep, he couldn't only think about Dean.


Sorry about the short chapter and the delayed writing. I got injured over the weekend and wasn't able to write. Also I do have to live my own life, but I still hope you can forgive me. But at least Cas and Dean r happy :p

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