Chapter 15

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Gabriel stared at the pouring rain outside and sighed. What pranks could you pull in the rain? None.

Gabriel had come home from school and started to plan things with an evil smile. But the moment the rain started, his smile turned into an irritated frown.

"Fuck you nature." He muttered under his breath.

He had decided that he would pull a solo prank and try to make some friends. Sam usually avoided him, even after the forest incident. Although he did pull a couple pranks without glaring at Gabriel the whole time.

But when Sam was busy, or avoiding him, that left Gabriel with no one. And Gabriel wasn't used to being alone. He was a social person, an extrovert to be exact. He needed friends in his life, and now his only friend was Sam. Everyone else seemed so calm, and uninterested in ever pulling a prank or having an adventure. After all, this was a small town. It wasn't a large, crime-filled city. It was a town, who had a small, tightly-knit, community.

He had attempted to have some weird father-son bonding moment with Chuck, but he was writing. In fact, he had been holed up in his room all day.

"Gabriel?" A meek voice called out to him.

"Yeah Dad?" He yelled back.

"Can you pick up Castiel from the library?" Chuck's muffled voice sounded from locked doors.

"I don't have a drivers license!" Gabriel called back.

"But your sixteen!" His Dad's now irritated voice, shouted from the door.

"Well I didn't want one!" Gabriel yelled back.

"Just do it!"

Gabriel groaned and got his jacket and shoes back on. He looked around for an umbrella before finding a ridiculously large one. As he went outside he noted that the umbrella could fit four people, five if you tried. It was also bright pink, it had been originally a joke gift for one of his cousins, but he had never got around to giving to to him.

Gabriel started to walk towards the library, they were lucky that they lived to close to it. The walk itself was about six minutes. But in the biting cold, it felt like six hours. It seemed that it rained a lot here. That wasn't a very good thing. Where Gabriel used to live, it was perfectly sunny. It rarely rained. Looking back at it, the whole town seemed too good to be true. His whole family lived there, his many friends were close by, and the weather was always perfect. Gabriel stopped in his tracks. For the first time of being in this town, Gabriel felt the ache of homesickness in his heart. He missed everyone, so much. How hasn't he felt this before? The pain seemed to create a hole in his chest. A pressure that seemed to constrict him from breathing. Warm memories flashed before his eyes. And the cold memories of being so lonely washed away the warmth. Gabriel almost felt a tear escape from his eye, but he held it in. Gabriel never cried, if he cried then people would think of him as weak. Even though he was all alone.

But now a new image filled him mind. It was Sam, crying. Strong, angry Sam was crying. It occurred to him that Sam probably didn't cry much. Gabriel started to smile softly at the thought of Sam. It was then, that Gabriel realized that he had stopped walking. He chuckled to himself, he went outside to pick up his brother, not have a panic attack. It still took a few moments for him to really start moving. He had to shake away the urge to cry, and the large amount of memories that still attacked his mind. He quickly started jogging after checking the time. It was nearly time to pick up Castiel.

As he approached the library, Gabriel saw a soaking wet Castiel. He was staring wistfully at a receding car.

"Hey Cassie! You're soaking wet! I thought you tutored people in the library, not the river." Gabriel called out to Castiel, catching his attention.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWhere stories live. Discover now