Chapter 25

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Michael stared at his mother in horror. How could she have been there? Shouldn't fate be on their side is they're soulmates? But at the thought of being taken away from Lucifer again made him quickly pushed away his questions and change his expression to a sharp glare. He was sick of his family controlling his life. They would only love him if he was perfect, that was the truth.

His glare seemed to have startled his mother. In all her wildest dreams did she expect her son to disobey her. Especially for a boy with the name Lucifer. It was pure irony, but it was something that she wouldn't accept. This was impossible. They had raised him to perfection. Yet this monster had the audacity to change him. To make him stray away from his loving parents. In a desperate attempt she tugged him away. If Micheal got farther away from him than maybe he could realize that what he was doing wasn't right. Of course I'm the back of her mind she knew this would be in vain, but she had to do something.

Micheal tugged back away from his mother. He wasn't going with her, and he never would. He knew that he wouldn't be able to go back home after this, but he didn't care. All he really cared about was being with Lucifer. In fact, he wouldn't mind leaving with him right this second. Lucifer gave him a powerful feeling. A feeling so powerful that he could break away from his parents grip and finally be who he wanted. Micheal felt a profound love for Lucifer, it blended with the powerful feeling to create something new. It was a feeling that couldn't be explained. It was something that was Micheal's. It was his own personal thing.

It was the starting point to his desire to walk away from his mother. He could see the anguish in her eyes, and he knew that what she was feeling wouldn't go away for a long, long time. Micheal didn't want to cause her pain, even if she had caused him plenty, but this was the only way for him to be happy. And he was going to be happy. This was Micheal's life, and he would share it with Lucifer, and he would share his own life with Micheal. It was a silent promise. A strong promise. It tied them together and loosened the knot between himself and his family.

He gently gently grabbed hold of Lucifer and they slowly started to walk away.

"Micheal. Wait!" His mother called back to him. Her emotions seemed to seep out of her words, creating an air around them that was heavy and painful. It gave Micheal a strong taste of her feelings, her agony. It  gave Lucifer a visible shiver down his spine.

Micheal hesitantly turned around, and saw his mother's large tears. Her tears were weapons, and they poked hole in his armor. They were powerful, they made Micheal want to hug her, reassuring her that everything would be okay. But he couldn't. It was something he just couldn't do.

He could see her shaking, attempting to speak another word. But something was holding her back. Her disbelief was fading. Lailah Elizabeth Morgan finally realized that her son was leaving for good. And he wouldn't change his mind. Not even at the mercy of her most powerful weapon. The safety of not believing left her trembling, her vision was clearing. The world now seems to dark and cold when everything had been so perfect. So warm. A blessing that seemed to run with this family had been the guidance that had shaded them away from sadness and fear. But nothing was there to block the tremendous amount of pain that was surrounding her, pervading her body and mind. It was a cold, dead feeling. But also had a scorching touch that blistered her mind.

Micheal was walking away with someone that she didn't know, didn't trust. He was giving his life to a boy, a man, that could have other intentions. He was leaving the embrace that she had given his whole life. She loved her son, she always had. Even when he had made mistakes, she would still love him. Of course she had hid that love behind a stern glare and a harsh punishment. Now, a wave of remorse came crashing down, she was drowning. Choking on it. Micheal was making such a big mistake now, but it was permanent. Something that couldn't be easily forgotten like being late for school, breaking an expensive vase, or drawing on the walls. Micheal didn't need his mother anymore.

She slowly walking up to her son, with difficulty, and put a shaking hand on his shoulder. Micheal flinched at her touch. His mother was radiating so many emotions. They were overwhelming. She looked like she could barely stand. It was heartbreaking seeing his mother like this. But eventually, it would fade, and disappear. Only popping up occasionally after one to many drinks and thoughts in distant memories.

She opened her mouth to speak words that would waver and crack, and fill Micheal with a larger taste of her spiraling emotions. They would make Lucifer have to look away from the two, feeling an unimaginable amount of guilt. At last, she lost her strength to speak and slowly turning away to trudge away from her son. Her only son. Now Micheal was the one to watch as someone he dearly loved with all his heart walked away. Finally accepting the feelings that had plagued them for so long. It was a heart-wrenching thing to watch, and it made Lucifer have to wipe away some stray tears that had escaped their long confinement.

There was a long silence before Micheal burst into tears. He had been strong about this. He was supposed to be the strong one in this situation. The person finally walking away from a bad life. He was supposed to be the one leaving the bad guy in the dust. Micheal was supposed to be the hero. But instead he felt like the worst person in the world. He knew that this decision was going to make him happy, but he hadn't expected his mother to react the away she did. There had been so much anguish in her words, so much meaning, that it left Micheal without the strength to be the hero. He had expected hatred in her voice when she demanded him to come back. But no. No. She had shown how much she loved him by letting him go. And for that, Micheal felt a profound feeling of love for her. Now he was going to take her blessing seriously, he and Lucifer would leave for good.

Micheal hugged Lucifer tightly, it was a warm embrace. It cleared away the cold emotions that had given life a dull atmosphere. They would be happy. Together.

"I've always loved you."


Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWhere stories live. Discover now