Chapter 27

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After this chapter I'll be taking a break. Now it will be for a week. But I think it's well needed. I'm coming out with more books after this one and need some time to plan them. And I don't have an infinite amount of time in the world just for writing fan fiction. I also have to deal with school, and my slightly existent social life.

It won't be that long, but I hope you can forgive me. I'll be back soon


Sam was barely functioning. He had had a terrible nights sleep, which basically meant that he had stayed up all night on his computer. But now, he really regretted it.

He stumbled around the house, trying to keep up with his family, who were running around trying to get ready for school. Sam looked down at himself and saw that he was still in his pajamas, while everyone was now eating breakfast in their school clothes. He felt so behind everyone. Life was rushing forward, leaving Sam behind in the dust.

"Dad, can I have some coffee?" He croaked to John. Who was sitting at the table drinking a very large cup of the miracle worker.

John gave him a look and said, " Sam you're like three, no." He then went back to sipping his coffee.

Sam scowled at his father. Right now, life seemed to hate him. He sighed and slowly trudged up the stairs and slowly changed for school. Every muscle he moved seem to scream in protest. All Sam wanted to do was just sleep. Sleep away all his problems, his worries, his complex situation. But he couldn't, he just had to ignore the siren calls of his bed. Even if it lead to hours of listening to people rambling on about stupid shit that would get him nowhere in life. I mean, where in the world would he use the knowledge of the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell to do his taxes? For once, Sam just couldn't care of he skipped school. The usual fear of getting in trouble was forgotten behind the heavy bags under his eyes.

But Sam just trudged back down the stairs. Pushing away the thoughts of skipping school. He knew they were impossible, he didn't have the energy to skip school. And he definitely didn't have the energy for one of the long speeches his dad would deliver whenever he got in trouble. He feared he would fall asleep halfway through it and just get in more trouble.

Sam crashed down into one of the seats at the dinner table and slowly started to eat breakfast. He didn't notice his family staring at him as he mindlessly chewed the eggs in front of him. They steadily dragged their eyes away from his robotic actions and went back to their own conversations.

Eventually, the large family drove up to the school. With each sibling exiting the car in their own fashion. Except Sam, who hobbled out the car. He just couldn't understand why he hadn't fully woken up yet. Everything seemed to be so hazy, he could only focus on certain things before it all became a blur. He didn't even know how he even made it to class.

And he didn't even remember how he woke up moments later to see the teacher's angry face and detention slip held tightly in her hands. Sam looked around cluelessly to see some of classmates giggle lightly, and others avert their eyes. It was then that Sam realized that he had fallen asleep in class. But didn't feel the expected shame and humiliation. Instead he felt a carelessness, he didn't even fell the slightest bit of embarrassment. He felt slightly proud seeing that it was his first self-earned detention.

He just hoped his dad wouldn't be too mad at him. John saw him as the good kid, the one who wouldn't disobey him or get into any trouble. But that was quickly changing, and so was John's image of his son. So far, Dean had been acting the best. Which was a large shock to his family.

But Sam didn't have the energy to think about his family. Things were going good, but their family history was still complicated. The only thing Sam would focus on was not falling asleep and getting into more trouble. He stared down at the red slip of paper, in bold letters it read 'DETENTION'. He sighed lightly. That small sliver of sleep had actually helped. But the cost of it didn't make his day better.

Sam just had to hold out until the end of the day. Then he could finally sleep.


Detention was the worst. Of course, Gabriel had experienced it multiple times but each time he was reminded of how terrible it was.

The teacher who sat in the room with them was different each time. But they shared one thing in common. And that was the sour expression that graced their face. Gabriel knew that this must ruin their day as much as it ruined his. They must've taken turns, but it was probably chosen at random. Which probably explained this teacher's exceptionally irritated look.
It looked as though it was either he first time supervising a detention, or she had to cancel plans for this.

But this just meant that detention would be boring. Well, it was meant to be boring. You were supposed to learn your lesson and try not to get back here again. Yet Gabriel always found himself in detention. It wasn't something he minded. But it was a Monday, and he just wasn't feeling it today. If he was lucky, he could use the excuse of the bathroom as means to escape.

Gabriel sighed, knowing that he was stuck. If he skipped detention then that just meant more trouble. If he didn't then that Just meant pure boredom for an hour. He geared up for the horrible time that would be wasted, and leaned back into his chair, attempting to conjure up a nice day dream to keep him preoccupied. But, nothing came up. Not matter how hard he tried, his mind was just a blank slate.

Gabriel scowled and slowly opened his eyes to stare at the wall, but heard the door open and glanced over to it. To his surprise, it was Sam. He looked exhausted, and pretty irritated.
He glanced at Gabriel once and suddenly look slightly surprised. But the rest of his face still held it's tired look.

"Sammy? What're you doing here?" He loudly asked, making the irked teacher shush him loudly.

Sam just about told him to shut up so that he could sleep, but stopped himself. He had nearly forgotten about his strange predicament, which had almost cost him the embarrassment of Gabriel finding out that they were soulmates.

He sighed heavily and sat down to a desk next to Gabe, who grinned at him despite Sam not responding.

In fact, Sam was barely staying awake. He nodded his head several times, almost falling asleep, and at last let his head fall to the table as he himself fell asleep. The teacher didn't truly seem to care, when she was reading a book with the same sour look on her face.

Gabriel sighed. At first, Sam had been a promising source of entertainment. And he had hoped to see him today. After hearing that Sam did, in fact, talk. Gabriel was going to make it his life mission to hear his voice. And maybe the reason why he wasn't talking to him. That question was really getting to him. Why would he talk to him? Did he really hate Gabriel that much?

But now he was asleep, leaving Gabriel to his own troubling thoughts. He stared at Sam's sleeping face and frowned largely. Maybe Gabriel could convince him to talk.
No, that would never work.

Gabriel sighed again. He couldn't handle being alone with his thoughts. The silence was deafening. It was something he didn't think he could handle. Gabriel's life had always been easy, a smile always graced his features. Well, that's what's supposed to happen. Gabe hadn't been this solemn in years. But Sam was the one to cause this. Yet Gabriel didn't want to stay away from him. He sat and admired his features, and the light snore made Gabriel smile. He couldn't understand the feeling that coursed throughout his body.

He hadn't really felt it before. It was different than how he felt for his family. Or his friends. It was so strange.

Maybe Gabriel could figure it out later. Right now, Sam was also distracting him from the distressing thoughts that he caused in the first place.

Gabriel finally felt a sense of peace. Even if it would last for such a short while, he could enjoy it.

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