Chapter 9

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Lucifer was glaring at the back of a laughing Micheal's head.

He had been doing this for awhile, and didn't plan on stopping. He was going to get Micheal's attention one way or another.

The dark haired boy looked slowly behind him and quickly caught Lucifer's harsh gaze. A look of annoyance and a bit of fear crossed his face for a split second before quickly turning his head.

Micheal finished up his little conversation with a girl with bright red hair, and a Star Wars shirt.

He then slowly walked over to the table where Lucifer sat.

"What do you want?!" Micheal quietly hissed.

"I kinda want to know why you tried to leave. Oh wait, you hate me!" Lucifer stated with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Micheal looked surprised for a few moments before scowling at him.

"I think you know about my family. We obviously can't be together, ever!" Micheal snapped back.

Lucifer's glare faltered for a moment with a look of hurt. But he quickly placed on an angry mask.

"Well then get to know me. You can't judge a book by its cover...or its name."

Micheal rolled his eyes at him.
A sad look passed over his face, but it disappeared as soon as it came. They both knew that the longing for each other wouldn't fade anytime soon. In fact the longer they were apart, the stronger it would get. Obviously fate wanted them to be together, and it wasn't going to let go.

"Or...we can leave. Together."

Lucifer looked at Micheal in surprise. He didn't expect him to suggest anything as daring as that.

Micheal wouldn't mind leaving. He needed some fun in his life. And this time the thought of leaving didn't make him feel nauseous. In fact, it made him feel excited.

Besides it was Micheal's senior year, and it was also Lucifer's. They could leave together. Go to school together. Micheal wouldn't have to care about his title. They could graduate together. And just be together.

In could be perfect.

They both pondered this option. Micheal seemed a bit excited. Lucifer was a bit hesitant.

They both looked up at each other. Both with looks of fear, mixed with excitement.

"Do you...want to leave?" Micheal slowly asked.

"I...don't know." Lucifer answered. He wasn't looking at Micheal anymore, but now down at the floor.

"Maybe we could just...start out with a drive. I mean it is Friday." Micheal suggested.

"We can spend the whole weekend parents won't know."

Lucifer looked up at him with his face full of mixed emotions, but what seemed to outstrip them all was excitement.

"Let's do it."

Micheal smiled brightly at him. He looked so happy. In fact he was happy. He was full of a bright joy that spread to the tip of his toes

"Meet me at my house. You know where I live." Lucifer said as the bell rang.

They both left each other, both with looks of excitement and wonder.


Micheal hesitantly walked up to the house next door. He saw Lucifer outside with a small bag packed.

Micheal saw two cars. One had a little dog sticker. And the other had a little pitchfork sticker on it.

It was easy to tell who's car was who's.

The moment Lucifer gazed upon Micheal, his whole face lit up. He looked extremely excited and motioned him to his car.

"Let's go!" He said as he hopped into the car.

They both smiled at each other and Lucifer started to drive.

Micheal's eye caught a tiny note which read: 'Be safe you little shit -the best dad'

Lucifer quickly crumbled the note in embarrassment.

Now they were truly on the road.

Of course Micheal's parents just thought he was going on a trip with his make-believe girlfriend. They thought 'Dixie' was a sweet girl from Montana.

Of course Micheal couldn't wait to actually get out of the town and to the open road.

But he was enjoying the light music and Lucifer's smooth voice humming along to it.

Micheal really liked his voice. Micheal really liked Lucifer.

He could almost say he...loved Lucifer.


The sun had set long ago. It had started to rain lightly. Lucifer listened to Micheal's soft snores with a smile.

He was happy, and he knew that Micheal was happy. He drove in silence and listened to the very faint music that played, and the faint drops of rain. He could get used to this. Just driving, having fun, being with Micheal. Of course one part of him had a bit of doubt. He loved his family, despite them being a bit annoying.

And Lucifer wasn't truly sure if he was ready to give it all up just for one person. But his feelings were blossoming into love, and with each glance at a sleeping Micheal, he was falling deeper and deeper into that wonderful feeling.

The feeling was beautiful. He felt at peace, but excited. He also felt a bit nervous, but thoughts of Micheal washed it all away. This little test was working out just fine, there was a little part of him that just wanted to keep driving forever.

He didn't truly know what love was. But he already loved it...and Micheal.

But Lucifer was still going to be loud. No matter what. Not even Micheal could stop him from being that. And Micheal could still be all prissy and whatnot. Lucifer wouldn't mind it. He could handle that part of him.

Lucifer sighed as they reached the first town. He searched for a small motel, and when he found it, woke Micheal up.

Micheal yawned loudly as they entered the room.

There was only one bed. Of course it had to be cliche. They both rolled their eyes.

Micheal crashed onto the bed after changing. And after a couple minutes, so did Lucifer.

He felt Micheal snuggle against his skin, and blushed lightly. He would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying his touch.

Lucifer hesitantly rolled around and slowly started to play lightly with Micheal's hair. Stopping whenever he shifted out of nervousness. In pure bliss, Lucifer slowly fell asleep.


Awwww :>

smol children

Hope u enjoyed :p

Oh hey and be proud of me. I wrote 3 chapters in 1 fucking day. And two of them were in the span of like...two hours.

Shows u how dedicated I am =v=

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