Chapter 29

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Micheal had been enjoying himself with Lucifer. He usually slept at his house, and had avoided his parents if he ever crossed paths with them.

He hadn't heard from his father though. He imagined that he wasn't too pleased with Micheal. And, his father was a scary man. But his mother was worse. Micheal had barely stayed strong after encountering her. She was so sad, in so much pain. He knew that his decision had broken her heart. It probably still caused her anguish. Micheal didn't like the thought of being the bad guy. It was his parents who were supposed to be the villains. He was supposed to be the victim who finally had enough.

But it still didn't feel like that. It felt like he couldn't ever make up what he had done. Even if it was his happiness at stake, even if he hadn't ever been this happy before in his life, it still hurt. But now, it was time to put all of those harsh feelings in the past, where they belonged. He was living in the present, with Lucifer. When they graduated they could move away to a distant city where his family would eventually just fade into dream-like memories.

But right now, they were vivid dream-like memories. He could still remember his mother's proud smile. Her eyes lighting up whenever he made her one of his scribble drawings with stubby crayons. But he could also remember her stern glare whenever he did something wrong.

Micheal still missed her, but felt a cold emptiness whenever he thought of his father. He had been the main enforcer of being perfect. Of not having a single flaw. He had raised Micheal, but not as a mentor, or with kindness and love that a parent was meant to have. He didn't delicately explain to him that doing this or that was wrong. He immediately send a young Micheal to his room. Leaving no love for his father to develop. In fact,  he didn't know much about his father, only having a close relationship with his mother.

He knew that his mother enjoyed reading books, especially loving fantasy, even if his father didn't approve. He also knew that she secretly loved murder mysteries, sometimes they had watched together, with eyes glued to the screen and a strong yearning to find out who the killer was. His father, and her husband, would've been furious to discover that they enjoyed a show that's main focus was on pain and suffering.

But he only thing that he knew about his dad that he enjoyed cooking. He made dinner every night. But they had usually sat in silence, a cold silence that filled the room and caused Micheal to feel sick to his stomach. Even if the freezing silence greeted him each night, it would always surprise him. It would scare him, it would cause feelings of anguish. He was never used to it. Maybe it was because he had hoped each evening, that the coldness would've suddenly disappeared and a warm, welcoming conversation that normal families had would bloom.

Looking back at those memories hurt Micheal. They only reminded him of his empty relationship with his father, and the coldness that separated the family. He had had a close relationship with his mother, but they both could still feel a chilling wall keeping them apart. But that was over. Micheal's life felt warmer. The aching in his heart would fade. He just had to wait.
He gave up everything.

Micheal couldn't afford to have doubts.


The day was warm. No, scratch that, it was boiling. Lucifer would swear that his sandals had nearly melted to the pavement at one point. Usually, he enjoyed the heat. It was the cold that was usually against him. But right now, Lucifer would kill for an ice cream.

Time had flown by as the cold months passed by and the summer was making its first appearance in the form of a heat wave. It seemed that everyone else couldn't stand this heat as they dressed in loose tank-tops and colorful sandals. Lucifer didn't even know what he was doing out, but he had promised Micheal that he would find an ice cream stand. This heat must've even surprised the shop owners as well, seeing that none were in sight.

Lucifer silently walked through the park, watching as small children played around the river. Birdsongs mixed with the chattering of people filled the air. The day seemed perfect. The only thing that was missing was Micheal. This day was so nice, flowers bloomed, people seemed happy despite the heat. But Lucifer felt lonely. Everyone was with someone, but he was alone. Micheal had seemed so quiet that morning, sad almost. He didn't know what was causing him this, but Lucifer vowed to fix this.

He would fix it with an ice cold cone of ice cream. It could distract Micheal from whatever was bothering him, even if it was just for a short while. Lucifer loved being with Micheal, and if that could distance the dark haired boy away from these thoughts then he would spend the whole day with him.

Lucifer's guess wasn't very far off, seeing that Micheal was still in deep thought when he had gotten home. Eventually, he had found an ice cream stand, but the ice cream was half melted when he finally escaped the heat.

He could see Micheal curled up on the couch, still in his pajamas, which consisted of one of Lucifer's larger shirts and his sweatpants.

"Hey." Lucifer greeted him warmly.

Micheal looked up at him, and sent him a small smile. A smile that seemed forced. His eyes still continued their confusing storm of anguish. This saddened Lucifer, so in a fast move of desperation, he offered the melted ice cream, which swayed dangerously at his sudden movements, to Micheal.

Micheal stared at the dripping cone in surprise and slowly took it, cringing when he felt the stickiness of the ice cream drip from the cone to his hands.
The thought of Lucifer going through the trouble to buy him ice cream in this sort oh heat wave caused a strong feeling of love to bloom in Micheal's chest.

He hah been deep in thought all morning, but he didn't know that Lucifer had noticed. He also didn't know that he could have doubts in a relationship that was meant to be. It was confusing. They were soulmates, that meant that they were supposed to be perfect for each other. But Micheal still had doubts. But even if the ice cream didn't cure all of his thoughts and doubts, but it helped.

He loved Lucifer, and it felt wrong to have doubts. It felt like he was betraying Lucifer to have doubts. The only thing that Micheal could do was lie. He didn't want to hurt Lucifer, it pained him to even think anything else but love for Lucifer.

Micheal could work on these doubts alone. He could just discreetly get rid of them and then continue with his and Lucifer's life. It would be easy.

Micheal hoped it would be easy, even if in the back of his head he already knew the answer.

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