Chapter 2

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School was in an hour. And Castiel didn't know how to deal with it.
Those two days had passed by quicker than he expected. And all he had done was worry about school.
And now it was time.

He had woken up early only to start worrying, then his constant pacing had woken up his siblings. Who then woke up Chuck who, in fact, wasn't a morning person.

"I hope you're all happy. You can't just wake me up like this!" He hissed at all four of them while pouring himself a large cup of coffee.

"Of course you need your beauty rest don't you?" Gabe commented quickly before shutting up at his fathers harsh glare that could kill thousands.

They were all tired, well all except Cas, who was still pacing while Chuck glared at them all while sipping coffee.

Soon after they had all gotten over their need for sleep, and Chuck was hyped up on coffee, they all drove to the high school.

Of course everyone was nervous. Alfie was sweating up a storm. Cas was attempting to pace while sitting down.
And Lucifer was trying to scoot away from Gabriel who was still glaring at him from stealing his room last night.

They soon arrived at the school which was surprising empty due to them being so early.

The teens slowly stepped out of the car and walked up to the school. It seemed to tower over them with evil shadows covering it.

Cas almost ran back to the car only to hear a screech of tires and the empty space where Chuck's car once was.

Cas sighed, now his escape plan was a bust. He turned back around only to discover that only Alfie remained. Alfie stared nervously at him.

"Well at least you're loyal."

"Well I have my earbuds." He nervously chuckled.

Cas sighed for the millionth time. "Of course I do."


Dean wasn't ready for a new school. In fact he wasn't ready for a whole new town. And now his Dad had sprung up a whole new town, a whole new school, a whole new everything.

And now it was the morning before his new school and Dean was thinking of just ditching it.

But now John was becoming more strict. He realized that couldn't do much anymore, especially fail math. His father was already looking for a tutor. And now Dean was more pissed than before.

The whole family was now avoiding him whenever he walked down the hall. They all slightly feared him, for anger was radiating off of him in more intense waves. In all honesty, Dean was just frustrated, he wished that his dad had told him before moving, because before all the other times they had moved, John had warned him.

But all the sudden he had to pack up his bags and leave.

Dean sighed as they got into the car. Everyone except him seemed nervous. But they weren't showing it. The only way to tell was their facial expressions. Sam's eyes were wide with worry. And Adam had a large frown on his face.
Only Dean seemed fine with being new.

As they arrived at the school they noticed that it was packed with kids. Eager to get in and see their friends. Of course Dean, Sam, and Adam didn't have any friends. Only each other.

But Dean being Dean, left the car immediately without a feeling of doubt. Then Adam slowly got out, with a tremble in his step. And after begging John for homeschooling, which was denied, Sam gingerly stepped out of the car and quickly walked behind his brothers.

Dean was immediately stared at and smiled at everyone, causing a couple of girls to swoon. Adam and Sam both looked at each other and sighed. Dean was going to become popular again. Between his good looks and people skills that were definitely not rusty, he always ended up having a lot of friends.

While in his shadow, Adam and Sam just stuck to each other. Slowly becoming forgotten.
Of course they were used to it. I mean this was Dean, he was going to get the spotlight, and they weren't. It always happened. And it was going to happen in this town and the next.

But on the outside he was Mr. perfect, but on the inside he just wanted out. This was another group of friends that he would have to leave behind. He almost started to join Sam on trying to convince their dad for homeschooling.
But now he was back in another cycle of a new town.

Maybe he would just run away.


Micheal stared at the boy that was all the sudden the center of attention. Of course he didn't mind, this meant more alone time. But then his top spot in this complex social hierarchy might crumble at the hands of this guy.
His parents would hate him. They wanted to perfect child. Not some friendless loner (if u have no friends then I give u friendship :>) that was once the popular guy.

No, he couldn't let this happen. He would be sent to boarding school, or maybe disowned. Micheal was going to keep his place, and maybe make a new friend, or an enemy.

He smiled and then approached the teen who glanced at him.

"Hi, I'm Micheal." He said in a confident voice and a hand out to shake.

"Dean." He said in one fluid motion filled with confidence. He shook his hand, and then turned around and left.
A small crowd following in his footsteps.

Micheal was starting to get nervous, this 'Dean' was perfect. He could quickly replace Micheal. He couldn't have that. His parents couldn't have that. He didn't want to be a disappointment. He would have to solve this fast.

Hope you enjoyed, if you kind typos then please tell me. I want everyone to enjoy this story.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora