Chapter 32

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So now that summer has officially started, well at least for me, I'll soon take a break. Not right now though. This book is going to come to a close soon, and I think it would be best to focus on new books. I've planned a couple, but I'm having a hard ti deciding which to publish next. I'll miss writing this book, although it's riddled with flaws you guys have been very supportive and I really appreciate that.

So thank you! Have an amazing summer :)!

Oh and this is last minute, but thanks for 4K!!!! You guys are really great :)))

Summer was nearly here. It still stayed around the bend, teasing it's appearance with each day that passed. Of course this meant that the whole school sat in anticipation for it to gracefully lift the weight off your shoulders for a couple months. Even if it was such short while. Even if it would only drop it back down painfully, letting you get used to it alone. Yet just being able to soar freely without the fear of a teacher to catch you, or the heavy burden that homework buried you in was completely worth the struggle that awaited.

Now,freedom was just around the corner. It was so near that Adam could almost taste it. He could definitely feel it though. The summer was teasing its eager audience with cruel heat waves. It was a heat that could make your sandals melt to the pavement, or the cheap plastic glasses you could buy at a gas station turn into a gloopy mess. And the only cure was a nice cold ice cream. But even that could melt.

Usually, Adam spent these scorching days inside his house, blessing air conditioning. He had attempted to go get ice cream with Samandriel, but couldn't bear the heat, even if it was for his soulmate. You see, Adam liked the cold. He could wear a short sleeved shirt when everyone else would wear large jackets, and take the chilly wind as a nice cool breeze. But when it came go heat, he would give up the fight. It was the worst thing to feel all sweaty, to feel like you would melt at any second. Adam hated that. It was a real pet-peeve of his.

But the scenery was so nice. Adam could just sit in a shady area and sketch the outside world for hours. That was his true heaven. Of course having Samandriel by his side would be peasant as well, but sometimes you just need to be alone. Adam valued his time with the shorter boy, but today he would dedicate time to himself.

And that's was Adam was getting ready for. He was preparing for the harsh heat that he knew would melt him the moment he stepped outside. The backpack that he was using to hold all of his things was faded and worn down. It was from one of his old schools. It didn't hold many pleasant memories, but it was useful. The only things he had with him was his sketch book, which was old and faded as well, and a few pencils. They were all the ingredients to his perfect, relaxing, and stress free day.

Before leaving, Adam quickly stuffed a couple crumbled dollar bills into his pocket before running out the door. Instantly the boiling hot heat hit him like a ton of bricks. He knew it would be hot but he didn't expect it to be a literal oven outside. Adam was nearly tempted to just run back inside and just look at beautiful scenery through pictures on his phone, but his forced himself to be grounded. He had spent most of his time indoors, and it was something that grew old pretty fast. The air inside felt stale, but the air outside, while hot, was refreshing. The birds sang, a faint dog bark could be heard from the distance, and an occasional pedestrian strolled by, either accompanied by a friend, or walked alone.

To say the least, it was a beautiful day. And Adam was going to experience it. He quickly joined the pleasant people with a smile on his face.


"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. And Fuck."

Samandriel sat on the couch with a large frown on his face and a bowl of cereal in hand. "What is it now?" An exasperated voice said behind. Samandriel turned to see Castiel looking at him with an irritated expression evident on his face.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt